& Moira Bianchi: janeiro 2013

quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013

Promoção Jane Austen e J.R.R. Tolkien - RESULTADO

boa noite, pessoal!
A Nat acabou de liberar o resultado do sorteio dos livros - o meu e o do Mestre Tolkien.
Segue o recadinho da Nat.

Oie, gente. Em primeiro lugar, queria agradecer a todo mundo que participou na primeira promoção do blog Meu Cantinho Literário, em parceria com o Hot Rio Chick. Muita gente participou, mais até do que eu pensava :) 
Então, vamos logo com isso. A vencedora da promoção, que vai levar um exemplar do livro As cartas de J.R.R. Tolkien, um ebook de A friendship of a special kind e marcadores de Jane Austen e do Hobbit, foi:
  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tatiana Resende, parabéns! Você tem 48h para entrar em contato pelo email natalcantarachagas@yahoo.com.br. Se isso não acontecer, realizaremos um novo sorteio. Obrigada a todos pela participação.

segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013

Uma verdade universalmente conhecida...

que Jane Austen tem o poder!

Ms. Austen vem encantando e unindo pessoas desde 1813 com sua 'criança mais querida', Orgulho e Preconceito, que faz 200 anos de publicação hoje.

comemorar jane austen

postei em Inglês com uma estória curtinha, mas a minha querida 'Amiga Darcy' Jacqueline acabou de postar uma 'carta aberta aos amantes de O&P' tão fofa que eu a convidei e ela aceitou ser minha primeira cronista convidada.

Bem vinda, querida Jac!


Jacqueline Plensack Viana

É uma verdade universalmente conhecida que algumas lembranças da infância duram para sempre.

Eu tinha 9 anos quando Jane Austen entrou na minha vida. Lembro-me como se fosse hoje. Era mais um fim de tarde comum de 1997. Eu tinha acabado de voltar da escola e ligado a televisão na TV Cultura (meu canal favorito hoje e sempre) para assistir o bloco de programas infantis que passava no horário. E que bloco era aquele! Naquela épica tínhamos, exibidos quase em sequência, "O Mundo de Beakman ", "Os Anjinhos ", "As Aventuras de Babar ", "Rupert" e o inesquecível "Doug ". Todos são muito queridos por mim até hoje, mas acho que nenhum causou o mesmo impacto em minha vida que "Wishbone ", produção do canal educativo americano PBS. Quem foi criança nos anos 90 deve se lembrar dele. Wishbone era um cachorrinho da raça Jack Russel Terrier que vivia com a família Talbot. Leitor voraz, ele era praticamente uma versão live action do Gato Pintado do "Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum", sempre traçando paralelos entre as aventuras de seu dono Joe e as histórias clássicas da literatura mundial para tirar pequenas lições de vida.

E eis que uma dessas histórias, exibida logo na primeira temporada, era "Orgulho e Preconceito".

wishbone dog tv cultura cachorrinho cão
As confusões vividas por Joe e seus amigos devido a uma série de boatos levaram o pequeno Wishbone a se lembrar da história de Elizabeth Bennet e Fitzwilliam Darcy, o mais provável casal improvável da literatura. Lembro-me de me apaixonar pelo cãozinho vestido como Sr. Darcy e, se olhando hoje a representação de uma história do periodo regencial britânico beirava a vergonha alheia, pelo menos o diálogo espirituoso foi mantido, o que me deixou ainda mais fascinada e contribuiu para que a história ficasse em minha cabeça durante muitos anos. Tempo suficiente para eu entrar no primeiro colegial e ainda me lembrar dela.

Quando entrei para o colegial, a primeira coisa que fiz foi providenciar um cartão da Biblioteca Municipal Nair lacerda, que ficava bem ao lado da escola, dentro do prédio da prefeitura. E claro, "Orgulho e Preconceito" foi o primeiro livro que peguei. E desde então me encantei perdidamente. Me encantei pelos acessos de nervos da Sra. Bennet, pela indulgência e bom humor do Sr. Bennet, pela bondade de Jane e Bingley, pelo comportamento tolo de Mary, Kitty e Lydia. Me encantei com a praticidade e coragem de Charlotte Lucas, o charme bandido de George Wickham e as frases ridículas do Sr. Collins. Me encantei com o bom senso da tia Gardiner. Me exasperei com Lady Catherine e sua predisposição a interferir na vida alheia e vibrei com a resposta à altura de Elizabeth Bennet....

lizzy bennet lizzie spirits cabinho nas ventas
Ah, Elizabeth!

Ainda na época do "Wishbone", fiquei tão impressionada com Elizabeth que dei o nome dela a uma de minhas bonecas mais queridas. Sempre quis ser como ela: espirituosa, arrojada, inteligente, independente e ainda assim capaz de errar miseravelmente no julgamento do caráter alheio. E seria impossível pensar em Elizabeth sem Sr. Darcy. O modelo de macho alfa que encanta gerações de mulheres há dois séculos. O homem perfeito, que supera suas limitações e muda por causa da mulher que ama. Os dois se transformaram no arquétipo do casal amor-ódio e a história deles a matéria-prima de onze entre cada dez comédias românticas já escritas e encenadas. Até hoje vivo mudando de ideia sobre quem representa o orgulho e quem representa preconceito do título.

Mas o que mais me atraiu em "Orgulho e Preconceito" não foi uma história de amor. Foi a divertida crônica uma época de bailes maravilhosos e sonhos pastoris, em que o primeiro emprego de uma mulher era achar um marido para não precisar trabalhar, em que a Revolução Industrial começava a mudar a cara da Inglaterra. Acima de tudo, pela sagacidade de seu humor. Jane fazia uma comédia de costumes como poucos.

E hoje a criança querida de Miss Austen chega ao segundo século de vida mais atual e reencenada que nunca. Adaptações boas e ruins para o teatro, rádio, cinema , TV , web e mais livros. Pena que ela tenha vivido tão pouco para ver o quanto sua obra perduraria.

love jane austen livros café
Adicionar legenda
O curioso é que "Orgulho e Preconceito" não é o meu Austen favorito. Darcy também não é o heroi de minha vida (um beijo, Sr. Knightley !). Mas essa história possui um magnetismo impossível de descrever, que faz dela a mais especial. Que sua obra levaria milhares de pessoas como eu a formar longos de duradouros laços de amizade com outras Janeites tão apaixonadas por seus personagens.
Por isso, posso apenas agradecer a você, Jane Austen, onde quer que esteja.

Este texto é dedicado a todas as minhas amigas Janeites. Tanto as marcadas no post original quanto aquelas que não tenho no Facebook, mas que são tão igualmente queridas.


Só não concordo quando Jac põe Mr D. em segundo plano... sua malvada!

O episódio de WISHBONE que Jac fala é esse aqui.

Obrigada Jane Austen, por me dar seus personagens cativantes, uma estória que parece não ter fim nas suas interpretações, um hobby que adoro e ainda mais: amigos queridos, meus Darcy friends!

Feliz 200 anos para nós todos! 
200 anos velas aniversário

Aviso: texto lindinho da Jacqueline P Viana, imagens do Google.

domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013

Pride and Prejudice turns 200, celebrate we shall!

Good morning friends, Janeites and Darcy friends!

fanfic happy sexy friendship of a special kind

200 is such an important age, isn't it?
And Pride and Prejudice is all over the place, more popular each day. Wow!
happy fanfic mr darcy lizzie bennet fanfic
Happy bicentenary to us all! 

Happy publishing anniversary, Jane!  
Happy b-day Mr D., Lizzy, Jane, Bingley, Lydia, Charlotte,Wickham, Collins... 
the whole bunch we love so much!
I gave a lecture last Friday at the Jane Austen Society of Brazil Meeting talking about how much Pride and Prejudice still influences the world. It was a lecture on 'The power of fanfiction' but you know me... I talk! I'll post this lecture here later this week.

moira bianchi friendship of a special kind

I've been celebrating the bicentenary for some time now, and will probably still celebrate until next January, but today is BLOG HOP DAY!
blog hop  
As promissed, my entry will be a fanfiction. Surprise, surprise!

It's a vignette for my next story - a teaser one might say. It's a thrilling, mind-challenging story centered on Elizabeth, Darcy and Charlotte.

This teaser I'm posting today is a 'prequel', this is what motivates the whole story.

Only fluff, not really a MA, short, E&D.

Hope you like it, and leave me a word, please.

behind the mirror fanfic friendship of a special kind

Behind the mirror

fanfiction inspired by Pride&Prejudice (unbeata'ed)
Blurb: Boy meets girl, boy's feet find his mouth, girl hates him, boy ends up conquering girl

rated MA (+18)

 Cause there you stood and I would  

Oh I wonder could I say how 

I felt and not be misunderstood


"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I'm pleased to inform that we are on schedule and our landing procedures will start in a few minutes. Weather at our destination is agreeable 32°C, 89°F. Please enjoy the rest of your flight. Thank you."


airplane window man lonely
Ten hours gone by and William Darcy was finally getting close to Elizabeth Bennett. After four days apart even the landing, disembarking and customs procedures seemed like too long a stretch separating Darcy from the woman who was keeping him on a tight leash since he had met her.

Maybe not 'since he had met her', but it was not long after he had first glimpsed the beautiful brunette with long dark hair flying at the mercy of the morning sea breeze as she sat alone sipping coffee at the cute coffee shop he accidentally stopped by on his way to the office.

Between his professional responsibilities and sports training, there wasn’t much time left for him to explore what San Francisco had to offer his organic taste for healthy food. He kept to what his secretary ordered for him, rarely making any variation on the menu.

Even though he was an heir of one of the top twenty biggest fortunes on the US, Darcy was not idly waiting his family's money fall in his lap. He was a proactive and ambitious twenty eight years old advertiser who worked hard to be known as a shark in his line of business and not merely as a goldfish in a crystal tank.

His wealthy family didn't approve of his professional ideals, but there was nothing any of them could say to deter him from his already sketched life plan. Therefore, he accepted to be transferred from Chicago to San Francisco when his company - Derby adverts - needed him to appease a very difficult client who owned a major chain of health clubs on the West coast. He faced bravely the idea of leaving his comfortable home, family and small circle of friends to take the task on behalf of his professional career, even if enduring such a major revolution was not his cup of tea. 

Earl Matlock was a renowned advertiser and knew that Darcy who was a triathlon enthusiast with several medals to show off would be the perfect man to handle this account. Matlock suspected Darcy to be merely keeping pace in his office until he decided to fly solo, so the boss would better use the millionaire kid’s brilliant mind while he could in spite of the young man's taciturn disposition.

darcy triathlon fanfic iron manIt was clear to everyone who knew Darcy that he struggled to have a professional congeniality which he did not possess outside the meeting rooms. He took advantage of his height and athletic built to impress clients and associates making sure his ideas were heard. His history in triathlon competitions was quite impressive as well, no one doubted the amount of dedication and physical effort required to succeed in this sport. That gave the clear picture of William Darcy’s character: a committed and strong minded guy.

Darcy saw in San Francisco's job as creative leader an opportunity to climb towards the presidency so his shrewd business side jumped into it.  

His ‘Fairy Godmother Project’ was brilliant in its simplicity: they would choose a simple plain woman and transform her body through extensive exercising to make her proof and role model of the health club's excellence. It was simple, elegant, medium budget required as well as transparent as she would train at the actual branches so to inspire both the users and the general public.

Bourg, the difficult client, approved of the project on the spot although he suggested some small insubstantial modifications which he called ‘improvements’. 

Darcy needed more than a month to make the foreign crew work to his standards but he finally had a juicy plan that was now in the legal department for formatting. Therefore, he finally had time to spare having meals outside his office. 

Every day he drove past this charming coffee house on the shore when heading to the office but only three months after he moved to San Francisco he was able to stop by.

He parked, got into the coffee house and the fragrant aroma of hot rich coffee freshly brewed caressed his nostrils easing the discomfort his sore muscles gave him. When in dire straits as this new work schedule, the only luxury he conceded himself was to keep his training even though no competitions loomed close. Coffee was a small sin for a committed informal athlete, but he could not give it up.
cafe patio outdoors

Darcy ordered and took a seat at the patio outdoors choosing a quiet corner under a classy big crank parasol. He approved of the laid back upscale atmosphere of the place that allowed its’ customers to enjoy the spring sun listening to the musical waves of the Pacific.

A young waiter arrived a few minutes later and asked him if the mocha vanilla tall macchiato was his and Darcy haughtily answered that 'no one on his right mind would order such a concoction as it was an offense to good coffee’. The waiter frowned and stammered insisting that it was table six's order. Darcy raised his voice ever so slightly to make sure the waiter knew he was not a dumbass to order such nonsense

At that he heard a throaty suave voice call out the waiter by his name and both men averted their eyes to a delicate hand with manicured bright blood red nails and the most bewitching profile Darcy had ever seen half turned to them. The voice entered his ears like an arrow that shot to his chest and reflexed south in his body.

Immediately the waiter smiled and chuckled saying to 'Lizzy' that it could only be hers, it was table nine, not six after all. He handed her the expensive coffee and they chatted amicably for a few minutes before the waiter left her alone. She kept at the last table on the patio, seated with her back to the other tables, feet raised on the railing and staring at the sea.

coffee espresso hot Darcy blushed all colors realizing the beautiful woman had overheard him. Not sure of what to do he stayed rooted to the spot very awkwardly observing her from the corner of his eyes, gulped his strong espresso when it was brought to him and left as quickly as he could. Never mind his tongue and throat scorched.

It took him three days to return to the coffee house. He convinced himself it was only to make sure she was not as beautiful as he thought. He was wrong.

It took him a week to gather strength to apologize by means of prepaying for her next day's weird coffee. Taking care of arriving as early as possible to be at the coffee house before her, he saw her enter and order in a lovely smile and her surprise when the barista told her it was already paid. She approached him and in a clipped tone thanked his gentle offer. He said it was an 'I'm sorry gift' to which she nodded as if in a barely civil regency courtesy and answered that he could have apologized immediately that same morning by drinking a tall mocha vanilla macchiato himself. She then pursed her lips with one brow raised at him and left.

It took him three more days of prepaid coffee to establish some light conversation and earn a wan smile from her. He thought it illuminated her face but not nearly as much as the beguiling green eyes this amazing tanned brunette sported. She asked him to stop paying her coffee, though. She liked the place and wouldn't want to stop going there every morning. He gathered all his courage to say he would if she accepted a date. The smile faded, she said she was not up to any dating and left.

It took him two more weeks to conquer her smile again and he was delighted to hear a spontaneous laugh when he burned his lips on his scorching espresso.

It took him one more month to extract a 'yes' out of Lizzy.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Rio de Janeiro! It's four thirty three pm local time, a typical Spring sunny afternoon, no threats of rain, 31°C, 88°F. Please, for your safety, remain seated with you seat belts locked until the aircraft has completely stopped. Thank you for choosing this air flight company. On the behalf of the crew I say that we are most pleased to have you in Brazil and we hope your Carioca days will be enjoyably filled with our finest Brazilian zest! This is your captain Austen speaking."

king size bed decor bedroomLizzy Bennett never doubted that through thick and thin her mother would have her back. After seven months exhaled in the US to cure a bad case of broken heart, Lizzy was now sprawled on her mother's king size bed and the two Bennett women chatted and giggled amicably easing how much one had missed the other.

Even though Elaine Bennett had the tendency to overreact first and then to overanalyze everything when her professional persona kicked in, she didn't do neither when her daughter got a phone call from this San Francisco friend she kept talking about since she arrived for a two week's visit a few days before. She had decided not to remind Lizzy of how much she disapproved of her decision of putting a halt on her professional career, or any other silly decision her only daughter had taken.

Lizzy had been a wild girl since very early. She always liked to run free and climb trees whenever her loving parents - the British diplomat Harold Bennett and the Brazilian Psychiatrist Elaine Garcia - took her to weekends in the country. As a child, more than once she escaped her parents’ eyes and got lost at the beach. 

By the time Lizzy was old enough to take care of her own she decided to backpack around the world searching new adventures anywhere she could find them. Visiting relatives in London she decided to visit Bath, Gretna Green and from there to Glen Coe in the Highlands of Scotland. She explored Rottnest Island in Australia, the Rice Terraces in Philippines, Bonito in the heart of Brazil. There were no borders to her free spirit.

She was impetuous, good humored, fast tongued. Elizabeth never really like her name, she said it was a grown up boring woman’s name and ‘Lizzy’ sounded much more like her. 

She was also a beautiful brunette with long curly hair that she took from her late father and sparkling green eyes she took from her mother. With her lovely body, men were easy preys to her need to experience the best in life and rarely did she accept a steady relationship. After a major heart break Lizzy thought the best remedy was to flee… but she wasn’t counting on fate.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, as well as feared, that fate has its twisted ways to dispose of our lives.

ipanema beach rio de janeiroFlying her mother's car on the way to the International airport through Aterro do Famengo's highway Lizzy felt oddly at home. Rio was not as intimate to her since she decided to take two months off her practice as interior designer to put some distance between her and the lover she had ditched. So much have changed since then... 

Seven months had gone by and she still had at least three more planned of her San Francisco adventure.

Only that morning she strolled her beloved Ipanema's streets with her mother, pleasantly window shopping and raveling on how much Rio fired up her system. She had underestimated its value in her general good mood as much as she had underestimated Darcy’s friendship.

She and Darcy had become close friends since he had offered her the crazy proposition of being a model for his health club campaign. Even if he obeyed her when she forbade him of coming on to her again, he ended up honeying his way to her heart. He was a very charming man, Lizzy could not deny it.

Darcy was handsome and polite, very appealing. He respected her limits and still managed to enrapture her. Lizzy caught herself missing his laughs when relaxed with her as well as his shy and taciturn behavior when in public.

She missed his stoic persona.

love angst heartShe missed his inspired and acid comments when watching a movie. Lizzy marveled at the pleasure an ironic comment followed by a war of popcorn in the movie theater could bestow.

She missed his smile. 

She even dreamt of those lips. 

On her lips.

All over her body, actually.

"Here sir, your passport and papers. Welcome to Rio de Janeiro."

Lizzy was not what Darcy had first envisioned for this campaign. She was too beautiful; she had a pleasant figure that made him respond in every carnal way possible to a grown up man.

She was also adamant that no relationship besides friendship would be welcomed and if having her working for him was his only option with her, Darcy would have that. Gladly.

But just four days after she left to spend two weeks with her mother he could not deal with her absence and took a flight to Rio on an impulse.

Before Lizzy, William Darcy would never give in to his impulses but she was bewitching. Spending time with her was addictive, she made him laugh and want to make her laugh in return. 

airport pick up hug loveWhen he called her to let her know he was in Rio, even before the plane's doors were opened, he was happy to hear both surprise and delight in her voice. His chest and loins’ response matched.

As he took purposeful long strides from the customs desk towards the arrivals gate he only anticipated those fine green eyes shining and smiling at him.

Elizabeth Bennett was in William Darcy's arms in no time.

--- the end ---

This story is a vignette for Image and Likeness. Check it out.

song: Sitti Navarro's endearing rendition of EBTG's 'I didn't know I was looking for love'.

So? Good enough for a nice celebration?
Let me know how you like it?

Visit the other blogs on the hop!

Disclaimer: images found on Google, fic is mine.  

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013

Falar em público? Eu?

Olá todo mundo!

Tudo beleza? Tô aqui curando uma gripe chata, mas fora isso... você nem imagina!

As meninas da JASBRA liberaram a programação do IV Encontro Nacional de Belo Horizonte no fim do mês e... Que surpresa! Eu tenho um painel!

força das fanfics, palestra,encontro nacional, bh


Quando fiz minha inscrição eu respondi que gostaria que o assunto 'Fanfics' fosse discutido, mas não pensei que EU seria quem levantaria a discussão. Nossa, tô mega feliz. E preocupada.

sponge bob nervous patrick

Não falo em público desde a minha última Pós... E já faz um tempão. Será que ainda sei como? Sem contar que o público deve ser beeem maior que o das minhas turmas de Pós-graduação.

Olha as dicas para falar em público que achei:
  • prepare-se para falar, assim como você se preparia para ir à guerra. Cacildis!
  • naturalidade é a melhor regra da boa comunicação. Tá...
  • bom humor sempre. Xacomigo!
  • audiovisuais são bons aliados. Powerpoint na área.
  • emoção e sinceridade. Prata da casa.  
  • tenha um roteiro porque a memória pode falhar. Ok.
  • escolha uma linguagem correta. Olha, essa é a minha maior dúvida.
  • conheça seu público. Janeites! Mas que aprovam ou desprovam fanfics?
  •  começo-meio-fim. Ok.
  •  linguagem corporal adequada. Nada de apoiar uma perna na mesa enquanto fala, hihihi! 

Mas, imagina um auditório todo olhando para você?

Pelo menos vou ser a primeira (OMG!!!) então não deve ter casa cheia porque muita gente vai chegar atrasado. Na boa, 8 da madrugada?

hot rio chick palestra logo cedo

 Sem falar na responsa de fazer da 'Força das Fanfics' um assunto interessante e relevante. Vixe!

choque força das fanfics

As gracinhas Collete e Barbara vão mandar alguns exemplares dos seus livros para o sorteio do Encontro, o que reinforça a força das fics, né?

É... vou ter que trabalhar muito!
Posto tudo aqui depois, tá?

E não esqueça que o sorteio de um livro 'As cartas de Tolkien'+um eBook 'Friendship of a special kind'+marcadores de página Austen e Tolkien ainda está rolando, e acaba no final do mês. Você já se inscreveu?
E... entrei na virada de blogs que comemorarão o Bicentenário de Orgulho e Preconceito em posts simultâneos no dia 28. Que bacana, né?

Muitas emoções, bicho!


 Eu fiz graça aqui mas achei dicas bem bacanas no site do Globo.

Blog Hop!

Just joined the Pride and Prejudice's Bicentenary Blog Hop! Visit next 28th - in a fortnight - and see what a surprise I'll have for you! ;)

orgulho e preconceito bicentenário virada dos blogs

Entrei na virada de blogs comemorando o Bicentenário de Orgulho e Preconceito! Próximo dia 28 - daqui a 13 dias - vem me visitar e você vai ter uma surpresinha!!!

aniversário 200 anos pride and prejudice bicentenary

E não esqueça o sorteio rolando, termina no fim do mês!

sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries rock! 2

Hi there!

So, here I am again.

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries 

daniel vincent gordh darcy pride and prejudice

keeps rocking!

I already blooged about how cool they are, but have to confess that I lost my patience somewhere between episodes 30 and 40... Come on, so many chappys. Then I decided to stop watching for a while and just keep up with it by following them on Facebook and such. Then it was finally time for him to show up!

Ah... Mr D!

daniel vincent gordh darcy pride and prejudice


And now it's Pemb!

daniel vincent gordh darcy pride and prejudice


So now I'm still not watching the episodes but I keep my eyes opened for Mr D. I'll wait the Lydia affair to catch up with popcorn and hopefully with baby in bed. But Mr D is in da place, so here's a quick list of HIS episodes as I listed on Hot Rio Chick's Fb fanpage.
daniel vincent gordh darcy pride and prejudice

No need to thank me, dear... We all luv him...

episode 59: Belly

episode 60: This will not do!

episode 61: The letter

episode 78: Pemberley

episode 80: he's a big fan of her work

episode 83: the cute one

epiode 84: doom & hand on the shoulder

episode 97: belly again

episode 98: further illumination

episode 99: Luv, luv, luv

questions and answers 10: we all love Mr D.

episode Gigi 2 - disaster control

episode Gigi 3 - wandering

episode Gigi 5 - nemesis

episode Gigi 6 - brother and sister
extra 1: Interview

extra 2: What if''s

 And he is back!... Months after the end of TLBD, Mr Darcy is back on a special appearance in a SANDITON episode! IMO the episode is blegh! and I miss Lizzie, but...

Did I miss anything?

 As soon as I catch up, will tell you more about how  
I love this fanfic.
daniel vincent gordh darcy pride and prejudice

bj, see ya

200 years mr darcy stamp

  1. I just love keepcalming. Can't help it.
  2. Most images used here are from the great Socially Awkward Darcy. Tks, dear.
  3. I keep updating this cuz I love P&P and this is BICENTENARY, bitcheees!