& Moira Bianchi: abril 2014

quarta-feira, 9 de abril de 2014

Pride and Prejudice

I come full circle - from my new Pride and Prejudice fanfiction to the original masterpiece. 40 pages 40 posted.

As I wrote on the book's first page, 
Happy 200th anniversary
P&P. May my humble book honor this extraordinary date.

Happy 40th birthday to me. 
May the next 40 bring as much fun!

Jane Austen

Chapter 7
page 40

"‘Mamma,’ cried Lydia, ‘my aunt says that Colonel Forster and Captain Carter do not go so often to Miss Watson’s as they did when they first came; she sees them now very often standing in Clarke’s library.’

Mrs. Bennet was prevented replying by the entrance of the footman with a note for Miss Bennet; it came from Netherfield, and the servant waited for an answer. Mrs. Bennet’s eyes sparkled with pleasure, and she was eagerly calling out, while her daughter read,
‘Well, Jane, who is it from? What is it about? What does he say? Well, Jane, make haste and tell us; make haste, my love.’

‘It is from Miss Bingley,’ said Jane, and then read it aloud.

‘If you are not so compassionate as to dine to-day with Louisa and me, we shall be in danger of hating each other for the rest of our lives, for a whole day’s tete-a-tete between two women can never end without a quarrel.

Come as soon as you can on receipt of this. My brother and the gentlemen are to dine with the officers.—Yours ever,


Just imagine what a match-making mama can do with such a note?

So, since December I´ve posted 40 awesome books:

1- 45 days in Europe with Mr. Darcy
2- Jane Eyre
3-  Naked determination
4-  Orgulho e Preconceito
5-  Death comes to Pemberley
6- Inferno
7- Northanger Abbey
8-  A Abadia de Northanger
9- The Mists of Avalon - book 1
10-  The Jane Austen book club
11-  Friendship of a special kind
12-  Colours and years
13-  The ocean at the end of the lane
14- One day
15-  A clash of kings
16-  As esganadas
17-  Poirot salva o criminoso
18-  North and South
19-  The bloody chamber
20-  Twilight
21-  Austenland
22-  Bridget Jones's diary
23-  Breakfast at Tiffany's
24-  Image or Likeness
25-  Tarantula
26-  Dead to the world
27-  Em algum lugar do passado
28-  Quando Nietzsche chorou
29-  Emma
30-  Pollyanna
31-  Lady Susan
32-  A Ladeira da Saudade
33-  The beach
34-  The dead zone
35-  Mansfield Park
36-  Persuasion
37-  The girl with the dragon tattoo
38-  High Fidelity
39-  Contos de fim de
40-  Pride and Prejudice


In other words, hold my hand;
in other words,
Happy birthday to me!!!

Let's toast to a juicy 40!

Disclaimer: 40 pages 40 was my way to celebrate my 40th birthday. It's not easy to accept that 'youth' no longer describes me...
By promoting 40 awesome books I like in no way I intend to dupe the original authors. If you, as me, like what you read, buy them!
All 40 books can be found on the right side bar. ►
All images found on Google. Kudos to the original poster.

segunda-feira, 7 de abril de 2014

Contos de Fim de Ano Orgulho e Preconceito Fanfics

E olha que já estou chegando no final da minha jornada... livro nº 39. Vou dar uma roubadinha!

Não é a página 40, mas a página 4!

Como nesta Coletânea o meu conto não está nem perto da página 40, escolhi o equivalente... Vamos lá?

Orgulho e Preconceito Fanfics

Um ótimo começo para um tipo especial de Natal
conto complementar a Friendship of a special kind

Moira Bianchi

página 4

"'Claro!’ Lizzy riu, ainda perdida na imagem em suas mãos.

‘E ainda tem mais!’ Darcy continuou.

‘Conta.’ Lizzy riu de novo.

‘Aulas de tango!’ Ele disse e apertou os olhos.

‘Não!’ Ela arregalou os olhos.

‘Sim! E você pode ter tudo isso apenas descobrindo a palavra mágica... ’ Darcy disse, cruzando os braços sobre o peito e olhando para ela com uma expressão séria.

‘Qual é a palavra-chave que você quer que eu diga, meu amor?’ Lizzy ajoelhou na cama para dar um selinho nele.

‘Você acabou de acertar, Querida.’ Ele disse, derretendo-se nos lábios dela. Sempre se derretia.

Desde que se conheceram, em Meryton, enquanto ele passava férias numa insana viagem com oito amigos de escola que não se reuniam havia 30 anos, Darcy sempre se derretia pela linda e misteriosa mulher de curvas deliciosas, que passava três dias por semana na sua cidade natal somente para fazer aulas de espanhol com os amigos de infância. Tanto a curiosidade quanto a libido de Darcy foram presas fáceis para o charme da bela Elizabeth.

De início ele acreditou que era tesão à primeira vista, mas a resistência dela em ter qualquer relacionamento com ele que ultrapassasse o ‘pinto amigo’ alimentou uma paixão que se transformou em amor forte e dominante. Não havia nada que Lizzy fizesse ou falasse que não soasse perfeito aos ouvidos de

Ricky, seu irmão, caçoava dizendo que Darcy ‘bebia’ o que Lizzy dizia, que ele olhava para ela com olhos de Pepe Le Pew, mas ele não ligava. Estava irrevogavelmente encantado pela sua bela namorada de cintura fina, cabelos compridos, seios deliciosamente bem proporcionados, olhos negros expressivos e língua afiada.

Quando ela finalmente admitiu que o amava tanto quanto ele a amava, na ocasião da morte da sua avó querida, Darcy teve alguns minutos de dúvida pensando que ela tinha dito ‘Eu te amo’ movida pela emoção do momento. Lizzy adorava a sua avó paterna, que sofreu muito com Alzheimer, e ficou devastada quando a doença venceu. Darcy ainda sentia a dor de ouvir a voz melodiosa de Lizzy chorando ao telefone, quando ela ligou de Boston para lhe dar a notícia. Ele nem esperou o convite para acompanhá-la ao enterro; ao saber a notícia, ele levantou da sua mesa de trabalho e correu para o aeroporto. Nesse momento de dor, o lugar de Will Darcy era ao lado de Lizzy Bennett, e não comandando sua empresa em Nova York."


Quando me pediram para sintetizar meu primeiro livro de onde saiu este conto, eu achei que contar a estória de 'Friendship of a special kind
 em poucas linhas era difícil para mim. Pensei, pensei e cheguei a esta conclusão:

*suspiro feliz*

Anúncio: 40 páginas 40 é meu jeitinho de engolir celebrar meu aniversário de 40 anos.
Divulgando esses 40 livros bacanérrimos, de maneira nenhuma quero prejudicar os autores.
Se você, como eu, gosta do que lê, compre o livro!
Todos os 40 livros estão listados aqui na barra lateral. ►

Achei as imagens no Google. Créditos a quem postou primeiro.

quarta-feira, 2 de abril de 2014

High Fidelity

How could I resist?
a cool movie, a cool book, good music, John Cusack & Jack Black.

Here we go, 38th book:

Nick Hornby

page 40

Chapter Four

"The three of us go to the Harry Lauder. Things are cool with Barry now; Dick filled him in when he came back to the shop, and the two of them are doing their best to look after me. Barry has made me an elaborately annotated compilation tape, and Dick now rephrases his questions four or five times instead of the usual two or three. And they more or less insisted that I came to this gig with them.    

It's an enormous pub, the Lauder, with ceilings so high that the cigarette smoke gathers above your head like a cartoon cloud. It's tatty, and drafty, and the benches have had the stuffing slashed out of them, and the staff are surly, and the regular clientele are either terrifying or unconscious, and the toilets are wet and smelly, and there's nothing to eat in the evening, and the wine is hilariously bad, and the bitter is fizzy and much too cold; in other words, it's a run-of-the-mill north London pub. We don't come here that often, even though it's only up the road, because the bands that usually play here are the kind of abysmal second-division punk group you'd pay half your wages not to listen to. Occasionally, though, like tonight, they stick on some obscure American folk/country artist, someone with a cult following which could arrive together in the same car. The pub's nearly a third full, which is pretty good, and when we walk in Barry points out Andy Kershaw and a guy who writes for Time Out. This is as buzzy as the Lauder ever gets.    

The woman we have come to see is called Marie LaSalle; she's got a couple of solo records out on an independent label, and once had one of her songs covered by Nanci Griffith. Dick says Marie lives here now; he read somewhere that she finds England more open to the kind of music she makes, which means, presumably, that we're cheerfully indifferent rather than actively hostile. There are a lot of single men here, not single as in unmarried, but single as in no friends. In this sort of company the three of us — me morose and monosyllabic, Dick nervy and shy, Barry solicitously self-censoring — constitute a wild and massive office outing.    

There's no support, just a crappy PA system squelching out tasteful country-rock, and people stand around cradling their pints and reading the handbills that were thrust at them on the way in. Marie LaSalle comes onstage (as it were — there is a little platform and a couple of microphones a few yards in front of us) at nine; by five past nine, to my intense irritation and embarrassment, I'm in tears, and the feel-nothing world that I've been living in for the last few days has vanished."

Top 5 40th pages? Mmmm...
Let me think. 
Hit me, DJ.

Disclaimer: 40 pages 40 is my way to come to terms with celebrate my 40th birthday. By promoting 40 awesome books I like in no way I intend to dupe the original authors. If you, as me, like what you read, buy them!
All 40 books can be found on the right side bar. ►
All images found on Google. Kudos to the original poster.

terça-feira, 1 de abril de 2014

The girl with the dragon tattoo

Oh dear, I had to drop this trilogy.
This complex and dark story stick to my head and suddently I couldn't sleep anymore...

But cool was the relationship between Bloomkvist and Berger. I mean, wow!

Stieg Larsson

Chapter 3
Friday, December 20–Saturday, December 21

page 40

"Mikael had no trouble imagining that champagne bottles had been uncorked in some newspapers’ back rooms that evening.

Erika had the same attitude to the journalist’s role as he did. Even when they were in journalism school they had amused themselves by imagining a magazine with just such a mission statement.

Erika was the best boss Mikael could imagine. She was an organiser who could handle employees with warmth and trust but who at the same time wasn’t afraid of confrontation and could be very tough when necessary. Above all, she had an icy gut feeling when it came to making decisions about the contents of the upcoming issue. She and Mikael often had differing views and could have healthy arguments, but they also had unwavering confidence in each other, and together they made an unbeatable team. He did the field work of tracking down the story, while she packaged and marketed it.

Millennium was their mutual creation, but it would never have become reality without her talent for digging up financing. It was the working-class guy and the upper-class girl in a beautiful union. Erika came from old money. She had put up the initial seed money and then talked both her father and various acquaintances into investing considerable sums in the project.

Mikael had often wondered why Erika had set her sights on Millennium. True, she was a part owner—the majority partner, in fact—and editor in chief of her own magazine, which gave her prestige and the control over publicity that she could hardly have obtained in any other job. Unlike Mikael, she had concentrated on television after journalism school. She was tough, looked fantastic on camera, and could hold her own with the competition. She also had good contacts in the bureaucracy. If she had stuck to it, she would undoubtedly have had a managerial job at one of the TV channels at a considerably higher salary than she paid herself now.

Berger had also convinced Christer Malm to buy into the magazine. He was an exhibitionist gay celebrity who sometimes appeared with his boyfriend in “at home with” articles. The interest in him began when he moved in with Arnold Magnusson, an actor with a background at the Royal Dramatic Theatre who had made a serious breakthrough when he played himself in a docu-soap. Christer and Arn had then become a media item.

At thirty-six, Malm was a sought-after professional photographer and designer who gave Millennium a modern look. He ran his business from an office on the same floor as Millennium, and he did graphic design one week in every month.

The Millennium staff consisted of three full-time employees, a full-time trainee, and two part-timers. It was not a lucrative affair, but the magazine broke even, and the circulation and advertising revenue had increased gradually but steadily. Until today the magazine was known for its frank and reliable editorial style."

did I chicken out?
Unicorned out too...

You can bet on it...

Disclaimer: 40 pages 40 is my way to come to terms with celebrate my 40th birthday. By promoting 40 awesome books I like in no way I intend to dupe the original authors. If you, as me, like what you read, buy them!
All 40 books can be found on the right side bar. ►
All images found on Google. Kudos to the original poster.