I'm very excited about '45 dias na Europa com Sr. Darcy' that's so neat and almost ready to be released!
Meanwhile, here, this hot Darcy and Lizzy are getting it going!...
As always, if you haven't already, read the story's front page before diving in. Tks.
previous chapter
Finding boundaries
‘There’s nothing better to one’s health
than loving and being loved in return’, a poet once said.
Elizabeth felt great after the Indian-born-British
ortho’s appointment. He confirmed her treatment was right, asked for a few more
tests she could take in Paris avoiding missing any classes, as an acupuncturist
enthusiast he gave instructions to be passed along to her therapist, advised
her to exercise specifically to tone the right muscles to sustain her knees and
prescribed another pill to help her deal with the cold weather and the flight
back home.
Darcy insisted she stayed with him at this
London apartment but she refused. How awkward would it be? There was no need
for Elizabeth to put herself in this absurd position. They had spent two nights
in a row together and frankly, she needed to sleep alone and rest a whole
night. Half saddened and half relieved, she didn’t have to argue too much with
Darcy after the consult and he helped her check in at a fine hotel near his
apartment. With a hot goodnight kiss inside her room, he left and she flopped
down in bed ready to sleep soundly even before taking a shower.
Doctor Negandi had given Darcy a lot to
think about. While Elizabeth dressed, he had explained his procedure would have
been a tad different and she probably would be feeling better by now but she
was fine.
‘Nothing to worry, we only need to follow
up.’ The old tanned doctor said.
Darcy breathed relieved. ‘I thank you for finding
time to see her. I respect your opinion, if not for your care, my father would
have been kept in a wheel chair for years.’
‘I was very saddened when he didn’t resist
his accident’s complications.’ The doctor said and Darcy nodded. ‘We used to
talk for hours, his consults had to be the last on my schedule or else my
patients would rotten in my waiting room.’ He chuckled.
Darcy smiled. He had feared the old man
would reminisce his father’s death but he was the only ortho Darcy trusted to
treat his Elizabeth.
‘Your father and I, we arrogantly controlled
our lives like Shiva. Of course, our sins differed in many ways but we shared
the taste for good food.’ The man rested against his chair, clasping his hands
over his belly. ‘We believed ourselves powerful, indestructible, above good and
evil. Your father paid with more weight than his back could take; I paid with a
mild heart attack. He insisted on riding horses forcing his back, me on keeping
a double life that brought me so much trouble I couldn’t make a list.’ He took
a deep intake of breath as if deciding what to say. ‘I married a fine Indu woman
my family chose for me but I also kept the steady girlfriend I had as an act of
defiance and life is too complicated to balance between two women. I’m old and
now I realize I could have done things differently if someone had only enlightened
me.’ He paused looking Darcy squarely in the eyes and then leaned forward. ‘I
see you look fit, good for you.’
Darcy nodded.
‘Your father was a good friend to me; I was
there at the hospital when he arrived after that accident. You were a lad.’ He
said and Darcy pressed his lips. ‘I don’t remember you being this worried when
your bride arrived soon after, and that was a lot more complicated. This Mrs.…’
The doctor pulled Elizabeth’s file from his table to take a look. ‘Wickham has
a minor knee injury, no need to worry. She must be really important to you, a
very beautiful woman she is.’
Darcy didn’t answer.
‘Life is too short for big sins, son.’
Elizabeth opened her eyes grudgingly at
eight thirty in the morning and noticed two things immediately. One: she had a
major migraine, two: it had been the bedside phone that disturbed her troubled sleep.
She groaned and tried to turn to a side, but her neck was unmercifully
throbbing so she tried the other side and felt a jolt from her knee. She
groaned audibly and picked up the phone.
“What?” She barked seating up, wincing and
reaching for her cell phone.
“Bart?” Darcy had been smiling in
anticipation of hearing her voice and walking to pick her up. The day was sunny
and chilly- a weather she loved. “What happened? Are you in pain?”
She groaned again. “No…” She deep sighed. “Yes.
I have a migraine.”
“Your knee?” He asked worried.
“Fine.” Elizabeth said checking to see if
her kids or husband had called her.
“That is a lie.” Darcy accused.
“Fitz, my neck and head throb so much that
if my leg did hurt I wouldn’t feel a thing.” She said and flexed her feet for a
while, exercising as the Indo-British doctor taught her.
“This migraine may be side effect of the
new pill Negandi gave you.” Darcy said. “I’ll call him right away.”
“No need, King.” She said wanly. “My
migraine is stress related. I’ll take a long shower, a painkiller and some
coffee. I’ll be fine in two or three hours.” She waited His Royal Highness’
opinion on the matter but Darcy kept silent. “Let me go, Fitz. I’ll call you
“What happened?” He asked.
“I…” She sighed. She could tell him that
Wickham had called in his usual hour – evening in Brazil, very late night in
England – and woke her up to chat, that she inadvertently told him about the
consult and how he had been offended, blamed Darcy and implied she was getting ‘way to close to her old friend’. She could say how frustrated
and secretly ashamed she was, the guilt she felt and how it consumed her. “I
used two pillows. I should have slept without any, as always.” She said and it
wasn’t a lie.
“Do you need me?” He asked suspicious of
her answer.
“No!” She hurried to say. If he showed up
in her hotel room, looking all manly and virile, those eyes and smile and hard dick,
she would be very tempted to mingle sex with migraine and afterwards she could
need intravenous painkillers. Her migraine was not something to trifle with. “I’ll
feel better in a few hours.”
“Fine.” He said.
“Ok. See you.” She said ready to hang up.
“Lizzy?” He asked.
“Mmm?” She asked impatiently.
“Graham invited us to dinner, and the girls
are coming here. Sally was ecstatic when I said you were in town.” Darcy said
happily. “How about we have lunch with them?”
fuck, shit, bad luck of the bad lucks.” All she
wanted was to take at least two migraine pills, put ice over her eyes for an
hour and as soon as she felt better, she would go out alone. When in such a
migraine crisis she liked to be left on her own. “Think fast, Elizabeth!” She was returning alone to Paris early
Sunday morning to prepare for the following week’s classes. Darcy would meet
her only the following Friday to spend a little less than 24 hours with her
before she returned to Rio. If he had his daughters and cousin, that would mean
they wouldn’t spend the night together anyway… “Late lunch? Around two?” She
“Perfect.” He said in a smile she didn’t
see but was sure it was there.
She grimaced.
“I’ll meet you in an hour.’ He said.
“No!” She said. “Meet me at two! Text me
with the restaurant’s address.”
Darcy went silent.
Elizabeth sighed. “Migraine, Fitz…” She
said but he was still silent. “Say: ‘Fine,
Bart.’” She urged.
“Kiss.” She said, hung up and plopped down
on her pillow face first. ‘Fuck, shit, shit, shit!’ A migraine day was the
worst to meet hostile audiences, but
Sarah and Georgiana had been such happy surprises… “Well, maybe Darcy’s other daughter is just as sweet…”
‘Holy key ring, Batman!’ Elizabeth gushed making
both Darcy and Graham chuckle. ‘It’s gorgeous! Thanks so much!’ She said and
leaned in to give Graham a kiss on the cheek.
Darcy squirmed frowning.
‘What’s holy in a key ring, Lizzy?’ Sarah
asked frowning much like her father.
Elizabeth laughed. ‘Sweetie, it’s from the
best Batman that ever existed. No hot guy in a tight black suit could fight a
shark hanging from a helicopter!’ She smiled and searched the 1960’s iconic TV
show’s episode on her phone.
‘Oh, that’s a classic!’ Graham smiled. ‘The
keys to my studio in Paris are no way that cool!’
‘Better!’ Elizabeth returned his smile.
‘Here, Sally!’ She passed her phone to the girl so she could watch the
streaming video and her older sister tilted her bright blonde head to take a look,
her nonchalant air never faltering.
Around the restaurant table, Darcy observed
Elizabeth get along with his family and considered how it affected him. His
cousin already loved her - not as much as his youngest daughter though, Sarah
thought Elizabeth was the coolest elderly she had ever met. His older daughter,
Diana, was skittish and aloof but Darcy could see she was mesmerized by
Elizabeth’s liveliness.
Of course, he would like to spend the day
with her naked in bed and not share her company but it had been impossible to
dodge both his daughters and cousin.
‘Are you sure I can have it?’ Elizabeth
asked, the Eiffel tower aluminum key ring hanging around her fingers. ‘My grant
is small and I’ll need it only a few weeks every two or three months. Your Paris
loft will be unavailable although empty.’ She twisted her lips.
‘It’s yours, Lizzy. My ex was keeping it
unavailable anyway; you were a great excuse for me to ask it back.’ Graham
patted her hand on the table. ‘Do me a favor? Move in there as soon as you can.
Today, tomorrow, so she’ll be sure I didn’t make it all up.’
‘I can visit it tomorrow when I arrive back
at Paris!’ Elizabeth raised her shoulders smiling, her migraine forgotten.
‘Oh please, this is absurd!’ Diana rolled
her eyes at Elizabeth’s phone. ‘One should be ashamed of watching this.’ She
said while her sister hid her incredulous grin behind her hand.
Elizabeth glanced at Darcy’s stoic face
with amusement. His older daughter was a bitch! When they had met at the
restaurant’s door, the girl had complained Elizabeth was late; then when asked
why Anne didn’t join them, the girl answered haughtily that her mother had better things to do. Darcy harrumphed
menacingly making the girl jump and Elizabeth chuckled. ‘I’m glad your Saturday is as uninteresting as ours, Diana! Nice to
meet you.’ The girl had inherited
her father’s height, nose and aloofness. Elizabeth thought she was too blond,
too thin and too conservative on what she wore. She was also too young and that
gave her credit to be as bitchy as she wanted, as long as she didn’t step on
Elizabeth’s toes.
‘Lizzy, are there more?’ Sarah asked. ‘I
cannot believe this trash!’
‘More?’ Elizabeth asked and exchanging a
glance with the men, all three sang the TV show’s theme song and ended in a
Diana was astonished how her father seemed different.
Her sister had told her that in Florida, he was relaxed, laughed and made jokes
but Diana had disregarded Sarah’s opinion, now she could see it. Sally had also
said Elizabeth was stunning, but she wasn’t… she was good looking, and fit. Had
amazing dark hair and her makeup was beautiful. Fine, the woman had good taste.
The black fitted leather pants with the grey military jacket and low pumps
looked good, the tattoos on her feet were cool and to be really honest, Diana
had loved the sequined black t-shirt she had inside the jacket. But still, this ‘Lizzy’ was someone her mother
despised so what good could she have?
‘Really, Graham. How will we make it work?’
Elizabeth said sipping her lemon water.
He wiggled his brows to her. ‘How do you
propose, my dear?’
Darcy cleared his throat. ‘Graham, watch
it.’ He said and when he realized what he had done he glanced at his daughters.
‘How about some tips for the famous Brazilian
carnival?’ Graham asked. ‘Is that allowed, cousin?’
‘It’s the week after next!’ She grinned
from ear to ear. ‘Do come! I can even offer you company!’ Elizabeth clapped and
risked a glance at Darcy’ frown. ‘Not me but my sister Jane.’
‘Oh, I love Jane!’ Sarah gushed. ‘How is
she? And baby Juju?’
‘They are fine! Juju learned a new song at
school, let me show you.’ Elizabeth loaded the homemade video and both Sally
and Graham were enchanted by the adorable toddler. ‘I know Jane loves
carnival!...’ Elizabeth insisted. ‘What do you say?’
‘Lizzy, can I forward this video to my
phone?’ Sarah asked anxious to have a channel to keep in touch with the cool
older woman.
‘Of course!’ Elizabeth caressed the girl’s
‘I like how this plan sounds…’ Graham scratched
the beard in his chin. ‘Keep going…’
Elizabeth smiled at Darcy through her
lashes. ‘Aside from my best sister’s company? That is worth an apartment at George
V, Mr. Wayne.’ She smiled sideways.
‘Give me back my keys and I’ll do my best
to get you a reservation today.’ Graham wiggled his fingers to her.
‘No!’ Elizabeth closed both hands around
the keys and he chuckled. ‘Should I let you know my schedule so you can dispose
of the studio as you’d like?’
‘I would like to stay there once in a
while.’ Diana said.
Graham raised his brows. ‘You know there’s
no maid to wait on you, right?’
‘I live in school, uncle.’ She said
impatiently. ‘Life is hard there.’
‘I can guess.’ Graham nodded. ‘Only four
maids for the whole floor of dorms…’
Diana sighed.
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‘Let’s toast to the beautiful lady who just
rented a studio in Paris relieving me from the pain of dealing with my
ex-wife’s shit!’ Graham waved for the waiter.
‘She can’t drink alcohol.’ Darcy said.
‘I can toast.’ Elizabeth tilted her head to
the side defying him to contradict her. ‘So can the girls.’
For the first time Diana looked at
Elizabeth with a small smile – a hopeful one and Sarah clapped. Darcy was vanquished;
the five of them toasted to Elizabeth’s new rent.
Measuring his words, Graham told her some
of his ex-wife’s antics with the help of Darcy’s meager insights. Elizabeth
laughed and for fun decided to excuse every crazy thing the woman had ever done
blaming the female hormonal rollercoaster. She tried to chat with the girls but
gave up on Diana after her third attempt was disregarded and concentrated on Sarah’s
delightful company.
She had seen Darcy as a father in Orlando but
in London with both his daughters he was different. Although obviously proud of
his girls, he was an imposing figure frowning and measuring his words. Maybe if
not for her migraine hangover, Elizabeth would have tried to pull him out of
his shell and be more forthcoming with the girls but she was not in her better
mood and Graham posed a much more agreeable company.
All in all, it had been a fairly pleasurable
long lunch date and Elizabeth returned to her hotel by six in the afternoon.
The posh lobby was alighted and bubbling with a large group of tourists and she
was almost sure she heard Portuguese spoken. Distracted with the sinking
realization that she would have to call Wickham and deal with the previous
night’s fight, she didn’t notice a woman looking at her intently.
‘Bennett?’ She heard and averted her eyes
from her phone to search who had called her. ‘Lizzy Bennett!’ She heard again.
‘Ana Gardiner!’ Elizabeth said smiling
The women hugged and kissed each other’s
‘Thirty years?’ Ana Gardiner asked.
‘Give or take, Gardiner!’ Elizabeth smiled holding
her old friend’s hands. ‘Are we too old to return to first names? That awful
gym teacher is not here for us to make fun of her anymore!...’
Gardiner laughed. ‘You look the same, so
‘I work my ass off to keep this figure.’
Elizabeth said smiling and thought that her friend could do with some
exercising. Not properly fat but out of shape, Gardiner looked older than the
forty something she had. A good haircut, highlights to minimize the grey locks,
some makeup and better-suited clothes wouldn’t kill Ana Gardiner. ‘Tell me all
about you!’
‘I’m a tourist guide. After checking this
group in, I’ll be free for the night.’ Gardiner motioned with her thumb to the
large group behind them. ‘Are you staying here?’ She asked. ‘Care for a night
It was arranged they would meet in an hour
for drinks and Elizabeth took the time to free her leg from the tight pants,
call home and leave her husband a voice mail. They would have many ends to trim
when he arrived home… she sighed.
‘Two small kids?’ Gardiner was surprised.
‘You took your time, friend!’
‘Yeah… I had a lot on my hands after my
father died. Did you know?’ Elizabeth asked.
‘It’s funny that our mothers still talk but
we lost contact…’ Elizabeth smiled and held her friend’s hand over the table.
‘It’s so good to see you again!’
‘It is!’ Gardiner squeezed her hand. ‘Are
you sure you can’t have a pint with me?’
Elizabeth shook her head. ‘I’m taking medication
for my knee… maybe next time. But tell me about you. I remember how much you
wanted to live abroad.’
‘I did all I could at the time. When I got
that scholarship I made sure not to return.’ Gardiner sipped her beer. ‘After
my graduation I found a job here and dodged my father’s demands. It was not
easy but I managed. I lived here, in Scotland and in Germany for a while. And I
got pregnant…’
‘Wow, a grown son!’ Elizabeth marveled.
‘Yes!...’ Gardiner smiled. ‘Weston is
already twenty four.’
‘Weston Gardiner... What an imposing name
for a chubby couch potato’s
offspring!’ Elizabeth snorted.
‘Shut up, Bennett, you smart-mouth!’ Gardiner
laughed. ‘Let that horrible woman die! How much I hated our gym classes!’
Elizabeth laughed. ‘What does he do, the
big baby boy?’
‘He has just majored in tech. Actually…’
She gave Elizabeth a look that seemed familiar.
‘Wait!’ Elizabeth raised a hand. ‘I know
this look… some evil plan forming in your mind, right?’ She chuckled. ‘Remember
those questioning notebooks you came up in high school? What’s your favorite
color? What’s your favorite flower? Who would you like to date?’
‘Ha!’ Gardiner chuckled. ‘That was fun!
Your husband was the one we all wanted to know who he liked and in each
notebook he answered something different. The cad!’ She said. ‘Oh, sorry.’
‘No, no!’ Elizabeth shook her head. ‘Cad is
They both laughed.
‘You married Wickham!... I always thought
he had an eye on you…’ Gardiner smiled.
Elizabeth raised her brows. ‘It was
mutual…’ She said and remembering how mad they were at each other the night
before, she decided to change the subject. ‘What is the evil plan?’
‘Look…’ Gardiner tilted her head slightly
to the side. ‘I thought I saw a man with you when you entered the hotel…’
Elizabeth frowned. Darcy and she were
absolutely chaste that whole day, there was nothing to see. ‘My friend, Fitz.’
She nodded.
‘Fitz as in Fitzwilliam Darcy?’ Gardiner asked.
‘From Derbyshire Holding?
Elizabeth nodded. ‘He had that radio we
used to listen, remember? That pirate radio, every other Sunday morning?’
‘No!...’ Gardiner held Elizabeth’s arm. ‘Is
it him? The…’ She snapped her fingers a few times. ‘The Prince?’
‘Yes!’ Elizabeth laughed. ‘He is gorgeous,
isn’t he?’
‘Oh God!’ Gardiner sighed. ‘That’s why I
saw you, the tall man called my attention. Gray haired and handsome.’ She
sipped her beer. ‘I can’t believe it’s him…’
Elizabeth nodded.
‘He’s close to you?’ She asked.
Elizabeth blushed faintly sensing an alarm
go off in her head, but the dark pub didn’t betray her. ‘I guess, he’s my
friend. Why?’
‘My son works for him.’ She said and pursed
her lips. ‘Can you put on a good word?’
‘Of course!’ Elizabeth smiled relieved that
Gardiner’s intentions were self-directed, it was an old trait. Still, the boy
must know the boss is married and it made her jumpy. ‘I can’t promise it’ll
work though; Fitz is very discreet about his business, but surely I can say
‘Thanks. Weston has a boss who is a big
pain in his ass and I think stalls his promotions at the company.’ Gardiner’s
eyes drooped. ‘I wish I had given Weston an easier life…’
Gardiner told Elizabeth how she fell in
love with a married man who never gave his wife up for her, even though Weston was
the only man’s son. He had daughters with his wife and since he worked for the
woman’s father, he was never able to break the marriage. They still saw each
other but now Gardiner dated on the side.
Her story made Elizabeth think about the consequences
of the choices one makes in life. Sometimes they can be tougher than one
foresaw. Gardiner looked older and tired, very opposed to the pampered only daughter
of a fairly wealthy immigrant who never made peace with her dream of living
abroad. He begged her not to go because he had seen the war when a child in
Europe but she didn’t waver. Elizabeth knew her parents sent her some money
every now and then to help her support herself and her son.
Later that night when Darcy called her,
Elizabeth brought up the subject. Maybe it hadn’t been the best timing since he
was upset she had had plans that didn’t include him, even though he wouldn’t be
able to be with her.
“Fitz, don’t waste me. You have your family
and I’m not chained to you. I don’t have to stay glued to my bed waiting the
moment you’ll bring your royal cock for a ride.” She said ironically.
He didn’t answer.
“I met a longtime friend by chance and yes,
we went out. And no, I didn’t drink because I know better than to mix alcohol
with meds. And no, I don’t have to explain anything to you.”
He still didn’t answer.
She sighed. “Where are you?” She asked.
“My apartment. Three blocks from you.” He
snarled. If she asked prettily he would find a way to escape his daughters and
go to her. It was just a matter of using the right words. Darcy was very upset
she had disappeared for several hours without letting him know where she would
“Where in your apartment? Are you alone?”
She insisted.
“Yes, in my den.” He said ready to smile
when she said the words he expected.
“Then talk to me, dammit!”
Darcy was surprised and didn’t know how to
“Talk to me! I want to know what’s in your
head. Don’t clam up!” She said passionately. “What do you want?”
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“I want you to be reasonable.” He said
between clenched teeth. “You are sick-“
“I’m not sick!” She cut him.
He started again. “What if you had an
emergency? I didn’t know where you were and-“
“I’m not hopeless and certainly not your
spare pussy!” She groaned.
“Stop interrupting me.” He admonished her.
“You wanted me to speak; now you listen.” He took a deep breath to speak
without shouting at her. “I care about you enough to worry if you’ll need help
and I won’t be there. Most of the time you are far away from me and there’s
nothing I can do. Your leg is not completely healed yet. You are not my spare
anything, and I don’t control you. But you could at least be as considerate as
I am with you.”
Elizabeth first felt guilty for losing her
patience with him, then felt ashamed for thinking the worst of his intentions,
then decided she had nothing to apologize, even if she misinterpreted him.
“Look here, you are my dear friend and I’d love to see you all the time, but
that doesn’t give you any authority over me.”
“I just said that.” Darcy answered.
“It’s settled then.” Elizabeth said. “Good
evening, Fitz.”
Darcy clenched his jaw and squinted at his
image on the window. “Sleep well.”
Negandi was right, women were high
maintenance creatures. Especially this woman. When she was in a bad mood, she
was impossible.
He was jealous and mad that she didn’t even
remember to tell him where she would be. When he brought her to London for the
appointment, he expected to spend time with her as they would do in Paris:
alone, preferably naked and enjoying each other’s company. Instead, his
daughters barged in, his cousin decided to steal his thunder and give her the
flat’s keys and now this friend he had never heard about appeared out of
nowhere. Did she say woman friend?
What if it was a male friend? He was
her male friend and he dammed well knew how hard it was not to touch her.
He closed his eyes and the erotic vision of
her riding him came to his mind. Her slender curves moving over his lap, his
cock snugged inside that deliciously wet pussy, her moans…
Darcy could grab his keys and go to her,
let her shout her frustration with him until she realized she was frustrated at
her husband’s lack of interest in their marriage and that was why his care felt
so unusual for her. Then he would soothe her on the mattress…
And Darcy knew how to love that body. Depending
on her mood he would either go hard or smooth, she would dictate her own rhythm
for him to follow, he was still learning what she liked and disliked... He
wanted to be the best she ever had, she was too important and he valued her
opinions. The first time they were together, that look on her face when she
told him she had cummed was priceless; as was the lioness look she gave him
when she was horny… all he had to do was to pay attention to her and forget he
knew anything. Hear her body’s demands was erotic real-time feedback, it made
his own body tremble. He didn’t want to waste this night – or any other night
he may have with her.
Pushing his ego aside, he decided to call
her back and just listen. What he had to lose? He took a deep breath and speed dialed
her, it went directly to voice mail.
He tried again and got an automatic
response via text.
‘Sorry, I cannot take your call right now. I will contact you as soon
as possible.’
‘Not good enough.’ He mumbled.
Darcy would have insisted if his daughter
hasn’t brought her phone to him and he had to talk to his wife for a while. She
was in an excellent mood and made him promise to bring the girls for lunch at
Rosings, her mother’s estate. From there they could go to Pemberley for a week.
The urgency to see Elizabeth increased in
him and he once more considered surprising her on her hotel room that same
night. They had plans for the following weekend and he wouldn’t let anything
get in the way, but he needed to see Elizabeth for reassurance.
When his phone buzzed, he took her call
before even thinking. “Bart!”
“King.” She sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” He said.
“I hate fighting with you but you… I hate
to be undermined.” Elizabeth whined. “Sorry, I won’t bring this up again if you
promise to behave.”
“Always.” He said and was glad to hear her
chuckle. “I’d like to see you.”
She shook her head alone in her room. “Have
breakfast with me tomorrow?”
Darcy didn’t answer.
“Clamming.” She accused.
“I’m not sure if you invited me to spend
the night or come in the morning.” He said flatly.
“Come in the morning.” She said and sighed.
“Don’t be offended, King.”
He was.
“I need a friend now and if you come over,
you won’t be my friend…” Elizabeth scratched her forehead to calm the splitting
migraine’s return.
His curiosity was picked by her tone. “I’m
always your friend.”
“If you come over, I’ll be the woman
between the mister and the mattress!” She joked.
“Very funny.” He said. “What happened?”
“George.” She said and told her old friend
about how personally offended Wickham was because she searched a second medical
opinion and even mentioned fleetingly his insinuations about Darcy.
The whole time he kept quiet, his jaw
clenched and his shoulders tense. Diana entered his half opened den’s door to
pick up her phone and noticing her father’s body language hurriedly left
Darcy was beyond annoyed. He tried to
emotionally disconnect from her bed and try to see the situation as he would if
Graham or Bingley had told him but he couldn’t, he didn’t know why Elizabeth
was still married to that wanker. A cheater accusing his stunning wife of
searching elsewhere what he wasn’t capable of providing her.
“Oh, fuck. I need a smoke…” She mumbled and
he heard the door slam.
“Where are you going?” He asked.
“Ah! He speaks!” Elizabeth teased. “Out. I
need a cig.”
“Alone?” He asked surprised.
“Yep.” She said and he heard the elevator’s
“Lizzy, no.” He said.
“Oh, no, Fitz… Don’t.” She whined. “Talk to
you soon, a kiss.”
In front of her fancy hotel, there was a
neat little square with a beautiful set of small sculptures in a circle and in
the center there was a four meters high glass sculpture of a sun-like tree. The
enormous ball of hand-blown glass fiery tentacles in an array of yellows,
oranges and reds lighted from bellow consumed Elizabeth’s thoughts and she lost
herself imagining that this mess of elements was her present circumstance.
Before she could think hard enough to reach
any conclusion, a big hand took the cigarette from her hand for a drag. She
turned sharply and found Darcy’s smiling face next to her. He puffed the smoke
above his face, took another drag and returned the smoke to her lips with his
own hand.
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Nothing was said, no mistress, mister-ess
or mattress was mentioned; just the company and the three cigarettes shared
were enough for the night.
‘This was the reason I didn’t spend time at
the pool in Florida.’ Darcy said running his index fingertip on Elizabeth’s left
breast’s tan line.
‘Silly, you. That hotel had magnificent
pools.’ She smiled. ‘The kids loved it.’
‘Exactly.’ He said circling the tan line
with his finger. Both naked enjoying post-sex relaxation in bed, Darcy was laid
on his side, his weight balanced on his right arm, her left leg still adorned
with kinesio tapes resting on top of his. ‘I would scare the children with my
reaction to your black bikini.’
She laughed. ‘How do you know my bikini’s
color if you never went down to the pools?’
He bit his lower lip and smiled. ‘I watched
you from behind the curtain!’
‘Oh, no!’ She poked his chest and he laughed.
‘How juvenile!’ She pushed him to lie half over him. ‘Did you masturbate?...’
She teased.
‘Of course!’ He chuckled. ‘Several times.’
‘Oh my poor dicky…’ She lowered her hands
between them to cradle his jewels. ‘Suffering so much in this brute’s
‘How could I not?’ Darcy was still
chuckling. ‘You have no idea what your ass does to me. And that black bikini
comes all the way here…’ He raised his neck to stretch his sight over her butt
and run a finger over her tan line. He whistled. ‘Would you use it for me?’
She laughed and laid on her back.
In Graham’s Paris studio, they could have more
privacy than any hotel. There were a few setbacks such as the lack of a daily
maid, room service or a concierge but there was a lobby with a full time
doorman, weekly housekeeping and security. The flat needed some work done, a
new painting, a new sofa and some kitchen utensils that Graham asked Elizabeth
to arrange as she pleased and send him the bill. Darcy planned to pay for
everything since he would be taking full advantage of the place, but Graham was
genuinely satisfied with the repossession of the flat.
Elizabeth hadn’t moved in yet since her
stay at the hotel was already paid and waited until Darcy arrived in town to
christen the studio. Small dollhouse-like windows overlooking the river,
excellent heating system, a king size bed, a bottle of wine and a few of water,
two loafs of bread and several cheese triangles were enough for their reunion.
‘You like these tan lines so much,’ She
said and he lowered his head to place an instigating kiss on her whitened area,
just beside her nipple. ‘I can tattoo ‘nothing
is sudden’ around it.’ She joked and he kissed around her other nipple.
‘How about ‘faith in fate’ around
here.’ She ran a finger over her breast. ‘What do you say?’
He shook his head at her.
‘How about a Latin phrase?’ Elizabeth
twisted her waist and reached the nightstand by the bed to grab his phone.
‘What’s the password?’ She asked trying to unlock the device.
He smiled sexily at her. ‘Bart87.’
She was extremely surprised and incapable
of uttering a word other than ‘No…’
He raised his brows to her and she typed to
see his phone unlock.
It was so incredible! A password after her!
The nickname only he used and the year they first exchanged letters… She threw
herself on top of him for a searing kiss.
‘Use me!’ She pleaded. ‘Use me as you
please!’ She whispered in his mouth making him laugh loud.
‘I wonder what you’d let me do if you knew
this password opens all my accounts…’ He raised one eyebrow suggestively to
‘What, money too?’ She hid her mouth with
her hands and he laughed again.
Elizabeth rested her elbows on his chest to
look at his face. She was about to say something that she might regret later,
but he spoke first.
‘You also rock my world, Lizzy.’
He locked eyes with her for long minutes
until she lowered her face and rested her forehead against his.
‘We’re fucked.’ She said. ‘More me than
you.’ She added and he chuckled. ‘But we are awfully fucked.’
He moved his head for a kiss while his
hands caressed her curves, making her tremble.
A little breathless, she got up and opened
a little crack on the window.
‘Naked…’ He complained. ‘Get away from the
window, Bart!’
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heightfiveseven |
He laughed openly, the cigarette still
between his lips. This woman was really reinventing him, the way he saw himself
in her eyes made him be the man he had dreamt to accomplish when he had all the
possibilities ahead of him. She was beautiful, had a sexy body, funny,
interesting and smart; almost a PhD. She stroked his ego, her admiration for
him made him more virile, more interesting.
‘Let’s see… translator… English to Latin…
We. Are. Fucked.’ She typed and glanced at him through her lashes. ‘Sumus futui.’ She said and twisted her
nose, he shook his head. ‘We. Are. Screwed.’ She tried again. ‘Nos life?’ She giggled and he shook his
head again, extended the cigarette and she leaned to take a drag while he held
it, puffed smoke and tried for the third time. ‘We. Are. Doomed.’ She tilted
her head from side to side while the phone loaded the answer. ‘Ah! Fatatum. That’s an excellent tattoo!’
He chuckled.
‘How about… here.’ She twisted by the waist
and pointed just inside the tan line on her lower back.
‘A tramp stamp.’ Darcy shook his head.
‘Yeah, you’re right.’ She clicked her
tongue. ‘How about a lovely friendship tattoo so we can both do it? One that’s
only complete when together?’ She offered but he still shook his head no.
‘You already have two tattoos. That’s
enough.’ He pointed at her feet where her children’s names were written. ‘What
happens if you have another child?’
‘I’m forty!’ She said.
‘What’s the problem?’ He asked
She shrugged and returned his phone to the
nightstand. ‘That’s so unlikely… I’d have to grow another foot.’
He laughed and pulled her into a hug. ‘I
want to show you Pemberley.’ He said. ‘Next time you come here, I’m taking you
to Pemberley. Can you come a few days earlier or stay longer?’
She shook her head ‘no’. ‘I don’t know,
‘I want to have my Marchioness in my
kingdom.’ He caressed her face.
‘Ah, that convinced me!’ She teased and he
poked her waist.
“… Where do we go to draw the line
I've gotta' say I've wasted all your time, honey
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