& Moira Bianchi: Rights to images

sexta-feira, 10 de abril de 2015

Rights to images

I've said this countless times, in disclaimers, notes, etc: ALL THE IMAGES I POST HERE ARE FOUND ON GOOGLE, and I thank the person who posted it before me.
But, as I've been tagging stuff all around, Pinterest and all, I started to put a small note as a subtitle or something, with the source where I got it.
Again, I thank and acknowledge the creator, cartoonist, genius mind behind the image I posted.
Thank you.

Então, já disse várias vezes, mas não custa repetir.
TODAS AS IMAGENS QUE POSTO AQUI FORAM ACHADAS NO GOOGLE. Não são minhas, não tenho direito a elas e agradeço do fundo do coração aos gênios que as compuseram, desenharam, postaram antes de mim.
Daqui para frente, vou fazer força para colocar legendas pequenas com as fontes das fotos/imagens.

Update Aug, 31st: I found FREEPIK and I loved it. Tks for your awesomeness.  Designed by Freepik

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