I've been talking about Jane Austen Brazilian soap opera weekly, commenting chapters and developments - always in Portuguese. As all Globo network soap operas, Orgulho e Paixão (Pride and Passion) is set to last 6 to 7 months, so it's reaching its middle with all Austen major works jumbled together.
Darcy and Lizzy pic from aquiacontece |
First, let me tell you a bit about Pride & Passion.
Darcy and Lizzy, again... pic from artena critica |
Also, the producers seem to be pretty aware of Austen Nation since they are always quoting or recreating the many productions and adaptations we all love. I've listed a few here.
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Darcy in waistcoasts... Yummy pic from twitter |
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Lizzy- Elisabeta |
That said, the show is a lot of fun IF you could overlook the weak soap opera subplots. The best form to talk about the major plot is listing the many, many couples and all the 'ships' flooding our twitter.
Time table is Brasil, 1910; an era of new beginnings in the big city (São Paulo) and the fictional small town (Coffee Valley). Although at the time Brasil was full of European immigrants coming to work on the fields and plantations, it's barely mentioned. Pride and Prejudice is the conducting line - five sisters of a matchmaking mamma. The Bennets are called Benedito and the girls come from 3 novels; each one brings her own hero.
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The Bennets - Beneditos
the girls in order: Lizzy - Lydia - Cecília - Mariana - Jane
pic from correio braziliense
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a DIZZY kiss |
Darcy (first name here) is an English guy who smiles a lot, rarely broods although it's said that he is serious. He has come to the small town of Valley to take care of this father's business - the railroad that will develop the coffee production. Lord Williamson, his dad, is alive and kicking but lives in London with Charlotte, his sister (Georgiana in canon).
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fighting for trousers |
Elisabeta arrives dressed in a tux exactly as the one Darcy is wearing, he is enraptured.
The fighting and bickering and kissing follows pretty much as in canon (aside the kissing part), only this Lizzy is very rude and this Darcy is very smiley.
He soon asks to be her boyfriend, she accepts, the figthing... continues!
She then discovers his meddling on Camilo (Bingley) and Jane Benedito - Pride and Prejudice relationship as Susana (Lady Susan), the vilan, has plotted to happen. As Susana works for Camilo's mom, Julieta (Lady Catherine), a big gossip war is set and the guys move to São Paulo in order to run from the country chits.
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Jane and Camilo (Bingley) |
Get the mixing of novels and the jumbling?
Uirapuru is Wickham+Willoughby+Churchill in a P&P+Emma mix as once they arrive in the big city, they meet a very modern girl called Ludmila who is kinda Charlotte Lucas for her pragmatism but in reality is Uirapuru's secret fiancée in a Jane Fairfax rendition.
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Lidia - Uiapuru - Mariana pic from TV mix |
Many characters and ideas and novels together... Let´s keep going!
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Don't let your nerves take the best of you... This is just the start of this Austen mix! |
Jorge, the lawyer (George Knightley) + Ernesto, the poor worker (Fred Wentworth ?) and Ema, baroness of Coffee Valley (Emma Woodhouse) - Emma + Persuasion Sounds weird? Yeah!... This show has crazy stuff, the characters are rarely only based on one Austen face, they have this and that from several, say lines from one or another.
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Jorge and Ema pic from f5 folha |
From the begining we learn her rich family is bankrupt (her gradfather is the Coffee beans Baron, so his son and graddaughter are known as petit baron and baroness, although the title is dead because Monarchy is dissolved in Brazil by 1910). Their big farm is indebited, the coffee production isn't as profitable and they keep spending as if money wasn't a problem. Soon they are thrown out by Julieta (Lady Catherine, Camilo/Bingley's mom) who bought their farm and sold to the Darcys. Jorge is the family's lawyer, always have been in love with Ema, but didn't say anything because she's much younger than him. Once she is broke, she falls for the poor worker who's always bickering on her, Ernesto, and who had been in love with Elisabeta a few chapters earlier.
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Ema and Ernesto pic from coluna retratos |
So, Ernesto (probably Wentworth) is middle son of an Italian workers family who's always fighting for his rights and somehow forges friendship with the Baron (Ema's grandfather) in a kind of Untouchables relationship. The old man puts the tough guy in charge of his granddaughter's security and fight here, fight there, they end up in a lake...
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'I love a woman locked in a past she can't bring back and I can only offer her the future.'
Wow, right?
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the lovely rainy sequence was a daydream of his pic from twitter |
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Julieta and Aurelio pic from twitter |
Aurélio is a bon vivant bankrupt and almost immediately falls head over heels for the strong widow who manages her own business making a lot of money.
Kisses are stolen, fights are fought and now they are starting to wrok together.
Another lovely couple.
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He saves her favorite horse's life pic from twitter |
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Cecília e Rômulo pic from extra online |
Will tell you about this later.
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Mariana and Cel Brandão pic from vix |
He is older, friends with Jorge (Knightley), an introvert mature man who falls for the volcano inside the girl. She craves adventure, but not as her older sister Elisabeta, Mariana wants to live the thrills she reads in books and falls for the mystery red rider - a kind of a Valley hero with a tiny motorcycle.
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Red rider and his gal in a dayfream of hers pic from tv foco |
Guess who is the red rider? Yeah, Brandon...
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Red rider saves his love pic from globoplay |
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Mariana as Mario, the rider pic from uol |
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Lidia pic from Kogut |
Once back at the Valley, her mother is desperate to marry her off because... Well, we don't know yet.
Lidia at the brothel, Uirapuru among the ladies pic from zacarias |
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Lidia among soldiers back at the Valley pic from globoplay |
The Benedito girls walk around the city in their petticoats and stays, visit boys' chambers, frequently meet them unchaperoned, etc.
Not surprinsingly, the 5 sisters are very modern in sexual terms as well.
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see what I mean? pic from twitter |
So, after a while, she thought it right to love him in all their glory out of wed lock. I mean, why not? Right?
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Their hot sequences are oh-so-good for daytime TV pic from twitter |
Mariana (Marianne Dashwood) decided it was ok to give herself to her boyfriend, Uirapuru (Wickham), even without a marriage proposal or hint of serious intentions.
Cecília (Catherine Morland) had a proper marriage.
Lidia (Lydia) ran away with Uirapuru, he took her to the big city to hide her in a brothel house he's friends with the owner.
Ema (Emma) - not a Benedito sister, but as good as if - is still maiden. So far.
Charlotte Williansom (Georgiana Darcy) and Josephine (Mrs. Tilney) No, they are not a couple, but they do have some kind of tutoring relationship. Josephine faked her death a long time ago and suddenly returned. In São Paulo she met Charlotte at the brothel - both were after Uirapuru (Wickham) - and the older lady decides to help the younger one conquer her desires- both erotic and of revenge.
Charlotte and Josephine pic from central de noticias |
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Petúlia and Susana |
Fani and Edmundo pic from ofuxico |
Lord Williamson (Mr Darcy father) - Pride and Prejudice Opposes to his liaison with Elisabeta for all P&P reasons, very much acted as Lady Catherine de Bourgh... as well. The actor is very similar to Thiago Lacerda who plays Darcy, they've been father and son before.
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Darcy and Lord Williamson |
Aside from all this, there are minor characters and minor plots like Elisabeta's jobs - first in Ludmilla's factory as a secretary and then in a newspaper as a writer.
Another vilan in small town Coffee Valley, a farmer interested in Julieta's farms and Brandão's bike.
A slave daughter, Jorge's maid, who discovers her father is the Baron, Ema's grandfather.
A tea house and its owner.
Mom and father Benedito and their quest to marry/respect their daughters.
Will try to tell you more as the story enfolds as the second P&P proposal: Elisabeta proposed to Darcy on her knees! I loved it!
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D: You must allow me to tell you how I ardently love and admire you. E: Darrcy Williamson, would you be my husband? pic from twitter |
How about Pride and Passion?
Good enough?
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You can watch episodes in Globoplay, I guess. Only without subtitles.
Thoughts and ideas?
Did all this get you hungry for JAFF?
See ya,
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