I always have a lot to say but... I've already said so much...
Anyways, if you haven't already, read the story's front page before diving in. Tks.
A long, long time ago
“Sorry to bother but, when a young girl, I had a close friend who had your
name exactly and I miss him dearly.
At the time I was a passionate human rights enthusiast and His Royal
Highness the Prince of Pemberley, heir of the richest estate-country in the
whole England, was one of my favorite people. HRH shared my views for a better
world - as long as they didn’t disturb his presumptuous kingdom’s peaceful
We used to correspond frequently, our bond was strong.
If, by an ingenious twist of fate it is you, please reply. I really
miss you, friend.
Elizabeth Wickham, Bart. (Née Bennett)”
Elizabeth read the note twice more before
hitting ‘send’, her heart beating erratically.
iacta est,
It had been so long ago… almost twenty
years? Yes, that long.
She could still fondly remember the letters
exchanged with the mysterious guy, the subtle teenage flirts handwritten on
paper, how they opened their hearts to one another, shared plans and dreams for
their future.

How proud she had been when she was chosen
secretary for the National Board!...
Passionate years when everything had to be
either black or white, never abhorrently grey. When her dear late father
pampered her with small bits of wisdom and lots of attention; when she lived
with her family, all five sisters in the same house sharing one bathroom.
Concentrating, she could smell freshly boiled plantain still in the peel
waiting her when she came from school in the afternoon. Her early years’ snack
was also quite calories controlled, who would say?
The thought of dieting brought her to the
present. She had always kept a healthy eating habit, never straying far from
size six – every time her control jeans
felt tight, she went immediately on a diet. A successful Biomedical graduate
and Master of Health Science of thirty-nine years old, Elizabeth Bennett
Wickham felt good in her skin, especially for the recent breast lift surgery
she had finally gathered courage for.
After years focusing on her career, caring
for her mother and sisters as well as building a family of her own, Elizabeth
gave herself leave to be vain. Her breasts sagged a little after breastfeeding
two kids, her stomach was a little distended and she felt a little too old for
her age; small ugly traits sapping into her self-esteem making her unhappy
enough for her husband to suggest the surgery.
If he had suggested it in a less sexy
manner, she might have lost another chunk of self-esteem but Navy Capt. George
Wickham, MD didn’t lack sex appeal. Actually, he was excessively hot for a
husband who spent three weeks working away from home every month - Elizabeth
chose not to dwell too much on his career choice’s consequences.
a surgeon, especially a craniofacial one, aesthetic surgery was routine and if
his wife was insecure with her body, Wickham didn’t see why she shouldn’t
improve her image. Six months after the remodeling she felt great and empowered
– ready to face the ‘mighty 4.0’.
The impending
doom terrified Elizabeth. Wasn’t a forty years old woman too old?

Maybe it lacked passion, like the
urgent need to improve the world she felt when a teenager. Fire in her veins
fighting the evil society traits, trying to build a better place with her own
hands, making friends around the globe – the vast unknown globe.
should have been there with me at Wembley last week; we would have made a
bloody good pair. I could enjoy the music while you wasted time enjoying the
political speeches!”

“Things happen outside your bubble, I mean,
rich kingdom, you know?”
Suddenly she remembered how surprised she
had been to think him almost handsome on one of the first good pictures he sent
her; maybe it was the polo uniform or the enormous beast of a horse beside him.
The few pictures he had sent before were yearbook profiles of a gangly skinny
boy in which she saw his firm gaze as the only interesting feature. He was
always squinting as if there was too much light shining on his face – not a
handsome face per se, but oh-so-charming.
Those slanted eyes were so beguiling…
Caught in a landslide, Elizabeth was
awashed by memories of Darcy’s pictures, his teasing, his letters and her
answers. He called her Baroness
saying she surely occupied a special place in his Kingdom’s Court. Bart, he would call her.
Elizabeth Bennett, Bt
The image of his careful handwriting popped
into her mind, even a tiny flaw on the ink – she used to think it was so
arrogant that he used his grandfather’s fountain pen. She smiled remembering
the thrill she felt whenever she received a letter, a rare token of
individuality in a family of five daughters. Elizabeth giggled to herself
remembering how she used to sniff the paper hoping for a small hint of Darcy.
‘Elizabeth, you can’t hide in here for the
whole party.’ Her colleague Charlotte Lucas cheerfully said entering her
office. ‘The cake won’t attack you, you know?’
Laughing, Elizabeth pretended not to be sad
for being yanked from her daydreams. ‘If you mean that same soggy chocolate and
coconut thing-’ She shook her head. ‘I’m not jeopardizing my waist for that!’
A few minutes earlier, trying to avoid the
boring office party, an incredibly simple idea occurred to her: Google! She
tried googling ‘Fitzwilliam Darcy’ and found a single entry, sadly without a
Holding: Head chairman of the board.
That sounded so pompous and stiff and
presumptuous that it might as well be:
Royal Highness, the Prince of Pemberley.
Her dear lost friend.
She thought it over, rolled his name on her
tongue speaking out loud alone in her office, laughed softly at how silly it
felt and finally thought: why not?
A few words deleted and rewritten and then
she had a simple friendly note to send.
There was no e-mail address under his name
but he surely had a company account. She only had to guess what it was. “Why not, Elizabeth? Why not?” She
thought to herself typing darcy@derbyshireholding.com;
fitzwilliamdarcy@derbyshireholding.com and fitzwilliam.darcy@derbyshireholding.com.

“You were just Rick and rolled*CRRR* here on
the Lamb Tone as an especial offer from a dear hot chick *CRRR* from Rio de
Janeiro. Now Madonna will Cherish you and hopefully me *CRRR* to this girl – I
hope you’re listening, Bart. We won’t be able to hijack Manchester W540 for
long! *CRRR* This is the Prince himself bringing this chick music to you but
let’s not panic, Stones are coming up. *CRRR* Pemberley Kingdom calling the
Jungle. Do you copy?”
Charlotte shook her head. ‘Come on, friend!
What’s wrong with some indulgence? Let’s toast to our Doctorals!’ Charlotte had
been postponing her chance to try for a PhD abroad until Elizabeth would
accompany her on the adventure.
‘I do indulge, but with something
worthwhile! My tongue feels funny after eating that chocolate grease. Why
didn’t they ask us? I could have brought a fine homemade cake…’
‘Maybe it’s not that bad today…’ Charlotte
twisted her mouth to the side.
‘Let’s bet on it. If it is the same shit
you’ll pay for a decent chocolate cake slice in Europe on our first
opportunity. Deal?’ She smiled mischievously. ‘I’ve already sent my
applications.’ Elizabeth closed her laptop and stood from her desk.
‘You traitor!’ Her friend cried. ‘Didn’t
you wait for me?’
Elizabeth raised her eyebrows and tilted
her head to the side.
Charlotte sighed. ‘I know, I know. Enough
procrastination… I’ll do it tonight.
Imperial College-Sorbonne program,
‘London-Paris-Rio connection!’ Elizabeth
smiled from ear to ear. She could have chosen other programs. Canada, Cuba,
Germany, USA… but London had a little twist, a tangy feel of good times passed.
It was Darcy’s country, maybe his home. It was an irresistible pull.
‘I wonder if I’ll have any nails left by
the time we know if we were approved…’ Charlotte looked sadly at her manicured
Elizabeth chuckled and linking arms,
marched with her friend to the big library where a small office party was
taking place.
England. Silly as it was, the mere
mentioning of the country always brought Darcy to her mind.
It had been seventeen years since they had
lost contact, soon before her college graduation. Elizabeth had visited London
once after that, but didn’t meet Darcy – not there, not ever.
Pushing him from the front of her mind, she
steeled herself to face the chocolate horror.
Almost six thousand miles away, Weston
Gardiner was proudly ending his first week as junior IT consultant at the
renowned Derbyshire Holding headquarters. He had tried to find a position in
this firm for a long time during college and luckily, the opportunity presented
itself right as he finished his masters.
A great place to work, great benefits,
state-of-the-art technologies and very decent earnings – a dream job.
It was past his shift but Weston was eager
to be noticed. His assignment was to protect the crowned heads from any
cybernetic threats screening the board’s communications to check what the
automatic spam filter might have missed.
“Sorry to bother but, when a young girl, I had a close friend
who had your name exactly and…”
That seemed legit, Weston thought,
even if a little curious. A quick search of ‘Elizabeth Wickham’ found she was a
real person, Brazilian government employee, Merytônia. Funny, that was where
his mother used to live. He quickly exchanged a few texts with her asking casually
about a Bennett family and she said they had been neighbors actually.
It all checked so Weston forwarded it to
the big boss.
Some other small mails were deleted, a few
sent to the Human Resources department, one directly to Security and his day
was done.
Weston turned off his computer and left for
the weekend.
“No, Graham. I don’t have any plans today.” Darcy smiled with his lips
closed. It was dark outside, his jacket was neatly arranged on the chair before
his desk and he loosened his tie while chatting on the phone with Graham
Fitzwilliam, his favorite cousin.
“It’s a pity. You employ so many people and
still have no company for a Friday night.” Graham teased. His younger cousin
sounded more bored than the usual.
Darcy sighed refusing to bite Graham’s
bait. “I’ll be facing a difficult weekend, it’s probably better if I sleep
early. Are you still coming?”
“Yes. I even considered arriving at
Pemberley before Anne, just to annoy her.’ Graham grinned. “Is she really
uniting the family? Including the old aunts?”
“Yes. Her mother insists.” Darcy answered
“Oh, bloody hell.” Graham cursed. “I’ll
arrive late Sunday morning.”
“Brilliant! I’ll be alone at the arena.”
Darcy grumbled.
“Gang up with the girls!” Graham suggested.
“Diana likes to spend time with Granny Catherine, God knows why. Sarah
hides somewhere I can never find, I only have her company if we go riding.”
Darcy passed a hand through his hair and averted his eyes from the window to
his computer when a new e-mail beeped.
“Poor cousin, shunned by his own
daughters!” Graham teased.
“Spending time with your wife is out of the
question… I guess.”
“Anne and I are treading water these days.
Especially when her mother is close.” Darcy said frowning at his computer. “I
believe you remember what it is like.”
Graham groaned. “How come we don’t have
anything fun to do at Pemberley?” Graham asked, genuinely concerned about their
age arriving way too fast.

“Ah!... The
Lamb Tone!” Graham laughed. “I miss our adventure in the broadcasting
industry. Do we still have the equipment? Is it still at Pemberley?” He asked.
“William?” He insisted. “William, are you there?”
“I am… I… I’ll call you back.” Darcy
“Sorry to bother … close friend … miss dearly … Prince of Pemberley …
one of my favorite people … shared my views … correspond frequently … bond was
strong …please reply … miss you … Elizabeth Bennett … Bart”
It felt like the Earth stopped and
restarted rotating the other way, time moved backwards and he was seventeen
again. Lizzy! Lizzy Bennett!
Immediately her face popped into his mind,
her big smile, eyes that communicated a lot on the small picture she included
in a letter that travelled weeks from Brazil to England and arrived at his
hands a little crumpled. He had kept that photo on his nightstand’s drawer for
His teenage friend, the only pen friend he
ever had, the girl who lived worlds too far from him and still he tried to
A smile escaped his lips and he reread the
note. Once. Twice.
Lizzy Bennett!
Boarding school, the pirate radio, both his
parents alive, Georgiana as a little girl, his cousins close, being single and
obsessing about girlfriends, his first stallion and polo competitions, music…
His youth.
Overwhelmed by the power of reminiscence,
Darcy was surprised to see his dear younger daughter’s face appear in his phone
as it buzzed.
“Yes, Sarah?”
“Dad, hi. I was wondering… Can I skip this
weekend’s brunch?” The sweet teenager’s voice reached his ear.
“Oh, doll... You’re rarely at Pemberley
these days and your mother has been planning this brunch for weeks…” He
answered, his eyes locked on ‘Elizabeth
Wickham (née Bennett).’ “How’s school?”
The girl sighed. “If I say I really need to
cram this weekend, would you cover for me?” A thirteen years old Sarah asked
hopefully. “I promise I won’t leave the school’s dorm.”
Darcy knew that was probably half a lie but
shook his head and chuckled realizing he hadn't been that happy since… since… a
long time ago. “You know what, my darling? Yes.”
“Really, dad?” Sarah gushed. “Brilliant!”
“But you’ll have to call me twice a day.”
He smiled pressing his lips, eyes intent on the hundred words’ note.
“You got it, dad!” The girl laughed.
“You’re the best!” She disconnected.
Darcy chuckled again, took his desk’s phone
to call his Security Chief and waited.
“Hurst!” The loud male voice barked.
“Hurst, I’m glad you haven’t left yet.”
Darcy said.
“Leave? I don’t have a life.” The man
“Look, I got an e-mail now…” And Darcy told
the man about the note, adding small tid-bits about his past to make it clear
Elizabeth was real. And missed. And dear to him.
“I’ll kill the fucktard who let this pass!”
Hurst shouted.
“No! Give the responsible a raise! A
promotion! Shares!” Darcy laughed.
“What?” Hurst asked. “Don’t do anything
about it!”
“I’m replying now!” Darcy answered smiling
“I forbid you! I work my ass off to protect
yours.” Hurst cried.
“She’s my friend!” Darcy explained.
“I don’t fucking care if she was your
bloody cunt, don’t answer before I check her out.”
“Easy…” Darcy ordered in a low voice,
sobering up. “She’s my friend. My dear friend.”
“Fine. You have until Monday morning.”
“Bloody hell, here goes my weekend.” Hurst
grumbled. “Forster! Get your ass over here!” He yelled before disconnecting and
Darcy had to take the phone off his ear.
Lizzy Bennett!
Darcy smiled to himself alone in his
office, a hand covering his lips.
My Lizzy Bennett!
for ten years we’ve been on our own
moss grows fat on a rollin’ stone
that’s not how it used to be…”
American Pie – Don McLean
Chapter 2
Chapter 2