& Moira Bianchi: 2014

sexta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2014

Faça você mesma, Jane Austen!

Feliz Natal, Darcy amiga Maria Souza!
Feliz Natal para todos também!

Nosso grupo de mulheres MARA que curtem Orgulho & Preconceito às pampas fez um amigo oculto virtual e eu tive a sorte de tirar a querida Maria!

Para ela, tão gracinha, vai este post especial de Faça você mesma para comemorar o início de 2015 cheio de Jane Austen - que companhia maravilhosa!

Vamos lá:

Para comer:
Uma reportagem do Telegraph lista pratos citados nas novelas de Austen, especialmente esta SOPA BRANCA que era o must de todos os bailes.

dining with mr darcy
Telegraph on line

Ingredientes (tradução livre)

900g de ossos de vitela picados
1 frango picado (com miudos)
170g presunto magro
55g arroz
Pimenta do reino preta
Bouquet de ervas finas
1 cebola grande picada
Meio aipo picado (também algumas cenouras grosseiramente picadas para dar mais sabor)
2.35 litros água
Para finalizar
85g amêndoas moidas
Sea salt
60–120ml creme de leite
Modo de fazer:
Ponha os ossos de vitela no fogo em uma panela grande, coloque o frango (peito para baixo) por cima e os miudos arrumados ao lado. Adicione água e leve ao fogo até ferver tirando a espuma com escumadeira. Cozinhe em fogo baixo de 2 a 3 horas, retire o frango e reserve.
Quando a sopa esfriar, coe e deixe descansar até o dia seguinte. Quando bem fria, retire a gordura geleificada e leve ao fogo em um frigideira, adicione as amêndoas e deixe cozinhar por meia hora. Adicione sal a gosto. Deixe esfriar e coe novamente. Junte à sopa já coada.
Para servir: A sopa original seria bem fina e cremosa, neste caso use o frango para outro prato, e adicione o creme de leite e aqueça até quase fervura. Usando o frango: corte o peito de frango em pedaços pequenos e adicione à sopa para aquecer bem, adicione o creme de leite somente na hora de servir. Também se pode retirar as ervas, ossos de vitela, muidos e boa parte do frango e passar tudo no processador para uma sopa mais robusta.

Para ocupar as mãos:
Marcador de livros em ponto de cruz, altura 18cm. 
Adoro ponto de cruz...
elizabeth and jane bennet
achei aqui

Para ocupar a mente (e as mãos):
Um vestido regência com o que a gente tem em casa... Gente, mega fofo!
ideia Mara!
1) corte sua blusa/sueter onde indicado
2) corte um triângulo na parte da manga que sobrou
3) desfaça a costura da manga e emende o triângulo (2)
4) recoloque o punho (para fazer a manga bufante)
5) emende a saia na blusa cropped. Se for maior que a blusa, faça um pregueado na frente

Se chover e não tiver pn pra fazer:
Guirlanda de saquinho de chás, um finura para usar e decorar a copa... ou a cozinha. 

Pensei que se utilizar um CD velho e colocar um imã dá pra colocar na geladeira ao invés de propaganda de pizzaria. Bacana, né?
E dá pra fazer com o que tem em casa, ainda mais nessa época de presentes que sempre sobra umas embalagens legais...

Para dar um charme na hora de reler O&P: 
Esse porta vela é super fácil e dá pra fazer com um copo solteiro (daqueles que quebrou o conjunto e só sobraram 1 ou 2). Até colorido e nesse caso eu colocaria o papel por dentro... Daí coloca-se uma vela que pode ser vela de 7 dias normal com umas gotinhas de aromatizante. Um loosho ler enquanto a vela queima ao seu lado...

Esse modelo aqui dá pra baixar e imprimir em papel amarelado (com chá) ou reciclado.
10 a 15cm de altura

15 a 18cm de altura

Então, Maria querida, gostou?
Posta fotos do que vc tentou... quero ver!
bjus, gracinha!

domingo, 21 de dezembro de 2014

Feliz Aniversário, Moira!

Ontem foi meu aniversário e passar do 4.0 é uma dureza.

Passei um ótimo dia com família e uma noite feliz com amigos no Aconchego. Entre bolinhos de feijoada, aipim com bobó e pastel de castanha do Pará tivemos muitos chopps e cervejas bacanas e, claro, aquela pergunta básica:

"Como vai Mr. Darcy?"

A mesa toda se desdobra em gargalhadas até que um diz: 

"Você está no último livro dela, já se reconheceu?"

"Sou do grupo do bem ou dos ricos babacas?"

E a risadaria recomeça.

Talvez fosse a cerveja, talvez o fim de ano e a oportunidade de rever quem a gente só vê duas vezes por ano (nos aniversários) mas estar com amigos é sempre revigorante.

Mesmo os que virtualmente vemos todos os dias, no dia em que recebemos cumprimentos é mais legal... Deve ser por causa dos presentes!


Muitos abraços com beijinhos virtuais

Flores lindas
Desejo de um dia calmo e fresco na cama com um bom livro e chá (lovely)
Um bolo fofo
Um bolo bacanérrimo
Mr. Darcy, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Darcy, Mr. Darcy

Uma banheira cheeeeia dele! (hahahaha, adorei!)
Minha vizinha de aniversário e ídala me fazendo festa

Como uma amiga me diz a cada década que viramos:

os 40 são os novos 30!

terça-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2014

Austen day 2014

Happy birthday Jane Austen!

Today is Ms Austen's birthday, three days to mine and I have to admit that, although I have my head swimming in the closing acts of my new sotry, I cheated on Austen today. Peeta & Katniss are the culprits. I'll get to that in another post.

Today, it's all about Jane.

In these last months, I wanted to post bits of my new story several times but always resisted. It's not wrapped up yet, only a (aleady sketched) chapter to go but big work on revising it. At least one thing I already decided: I'll post the whole story here on my blog before publishing.

Today I considered posting Jane's view of the story but the beginning is kind of gloomy and Jane deserves better than that. It's the first time I felt the urge to talk about Jane Bennett and I feel I owe her a revised and complete story - so that means February...

That leaves me with... *drum roll*

Chapter Three 


Royal affairs

music for this chapter, clidk here

"*Eight o'clock in the morning and things don't look good from up here, pals. A minor accident near the Ville Mall is taking two of the four lanes and a kilometer ahead, there’s the usual traffic jam caused by the Olympics improvement works. My advice is do not take the Yellow Expressway today. If you did, relax and listen to the City Vibe Radio Station. You're looking into two hours jammed. At least!"

Elizabeth sighed and looked up through her windshield to watch the radio station helicopter noisily pass her by. Another morning stuck in traffic... Each day she had to leave the house earlier just to continue arriving at the office late.

She could see the Federal Health Institute’s Palace seating majestically up on the mountain ahead, the Concrete Christ behind it in the distance, and calculated fifteen, twenty minutes to reach its gates. But if the radio station’s traffic report was right – and it always was, she would be facing at least hours of traffic jam; scorching sun over the roof of her car. She sighed again.

Olympics couldn't arrive soon enough. Rio needed to get rid of all these construction sites!

Elizabeth took her phone, loaded Google maps and tried to find an alternative route crossing neighborhoods. Before the Olympics’ road works there was an exit and she could take a long ride around the mountain and-

Her phone rang cutting the image of the map on her screen.

‘Unknown caller’

She twisted her lips. Jane and her weird little things. Why did her older sister need to block her cell phone number? It drove Elizabeth crazy.


"Please hold for His Royal Highness, the King of Pemberley." A rich sexy deep male voice asked striking a chord in her memory.

"What?" Elizabeth answered surprised by the greeting in English. Without noticing, she had switched from Portuguese and needed to concentrate to understand the strong British accent.

"Please hold for His Royal Highness, the King of Pemberley." The rich voice insisted.

Elizabeth frowned deeply, her mind rolling in high speed. What kind of silly joke is- then it hit her.

It could not be!

She kept silent for ten seconds and laughed aloud.

The rich male voice at the other end of the call chuckled.

Elizabeth felt her cheeks blaze, her heart speed, her skin tingle.

Could it be?

“Oh my God!” She said laughing. “Is this a royal phone call?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Darcy said ditching his long forgotten radio DJ voice, his smile clearly audible in his tone of voice. His heart was threatening to escape his body through his mouth and it surprised him. He excitedly anticipated this call but not this involuntary reaction from his body.

He had arrived early at the office and went straight to his Security Department’s floor. Hurst was already having his second cup of coffee and extended him a thin folder and a reassuring nod of his fat head.

Darcy nodded back and ran to his office to reacquaint himself to his longtime friend. Married, kids, address, employment, social networks accounts, phone number… Phone number! Of course, instead of replying her e-mail, he would call her!

But time zones killed him! He had to wait five hours. By eight in the morning she must be up, she had young children… right?

“I can’t believe it!” Elizabeth was still laughing. “The Poor King is broke! He can't even afford a secretary!”

Darcy laughed loud and she marveled at its richness.

“Have you wasted your fortune in polo matches and expensive horses, my King?” Elizabeth asked, a smile so stretched on her face that it hurt.

“Your namesake doesn’t like competition. She has been ruthless with taxes here!” Darcy answered.

“I cannot believe it!...” Elizabeth said.

“I couldn’t believe when I got your e-mail.” Darcy answered.

“Is it really you, friend?” She insisted.

“Your Little Prince of Pemberley, the most presumptuous guy in all England. That’s me!” He said.

“The one who didn’t show up for my graduation, didn’t send a word, cut me off rudely?” Elizabeth raised one eyebrow.

“Errr… About that… I’m sorry, Lizzy. Close to your graduation, things got really messy here. I understood when you didn’t answer my last letters, although it hurt me.”

Elizabeth’s ears were ringing very low, lost in a time travel so fierce that she could almost feel it physically, like a Star Wars’ hyperspace jump. She hadn’t heard anything he said after ‘Lizzy’. Since her father died, no one used that nickname anymore. Lizzy…

Overwhelmed, she took the phone off her ear to look at its screen. The facetime button was alight so she clicked it without wasting a second thought. The screen went blank for a second and she could see a blackened image.

“Let me see you.” She asked seriously.

“Huh?” Darcy asked stupidly.

“Look at your phone.” She ordered.

He took his phone from his ear to frown at it and…

“Hi!” She said blinking and smiling.

“Bloody hell!” He said surprised. “I wasn’t expecting that!” He ran his free hand on his hair.

“Hi, friend!” Elizabeth repeated.

Darcy smiled back at her and they stared at each other’s face for long seconds.

In their heads, it played a fast forward movie showing the images of letters, paper clippings, cassette tapes, old photos, dreams and hopes long lost or forgotten; all passing through their eyes in a quick succession while they studied the other’s aged face.

“You are gorgeous, Lizzy.” Darcy whispered.

“Thanks.” She felt her cheeks warm up. “I can’t believe it! It’s the first time we see each other live!”

“It is.” He nodded smiling with closed lips, both his cheekbones protruding in his charming face.

“I missed our friendship.” Elizabeth answered.

“Me too.” He said and frowned back when she suddenly united her designed brows. “What is it?”

“I’m sure I didn’t send you my phone number on the note…” She squinted. “How did you find out?”

Darcy tilted his head to the side awkwardly holding his phone in front of his face, self-conscious by his image in the tiny square under Elizabeth’s beautiful face in his screen. “A King has his ways…”

“Mmm.” She made a non-committal sound.

“Secret service worked over the weekend.” He admitted in a half smile.

“Excuse me?” She raised her brows.

“Last year we had an incident here. A hacker got into our system and caused a lot of damage. After some investigation, we discovered it was one of our own employees who sold us out. Since then, our IT people have been doubling the security protocols and our Security department is boarding paranoia.” He smiled incapable of resisting. It was absolutely fantastic to see his longtime friend face to face like this, this easy, this simple. “When your note reached me, my Head of Security checked you out to make sure you weren’t a threat to the company.”

“Mmm.” She twisted her lips. “I’m a little disappointed I’m not a threat…”

He chuckled.

“Are you allowed to invade my privacy like this?” Elizabeth asked.

“I’m sure we didn’t do anything illegal. Social network profiles, cybernetic tracks…” He shrugged. “You left me a trail of bread crumbs, Lizzy.”

“I did?” She asked worried.

He nodded. “I can only thank you. It’s great to have finally found you again.”

“Not that you had been looking for me… After all, you ditched me in the past.” She accused him.

“I’m to blame, I have no excuse. But can I explain myself?” He asked.

“Please do. Not that I have anything better to do than hear whatever story you have for having broken my heart…”

Darcy touched his fist to his heart and sighed. Elizabeth giggled and attached her phone to the dashboard holder.

“Where are you? In a car?” Darcy squinted.

She nodded. “Traffic jam. Another… Rio is impossible these days. Between World Cup and Olympics, what we have left of the city is either a huge traffic jam or a work site.” She took the phone from the stand and showed him her windshield.

Darcy winced seeing how many cars packed ahead.

“See? I’m expecting at least one hour. Maybe more…” She shrugged. “Got time, friend?”

“Seventeen years, give or take.” He smiled.

“Good, keep me company.” She smiled back, but it was a toothy grin to answer his closed lips genuine smile.

“My pleasure.”


Happy Birthday, Jane Austen!
Happy Birthday, Prince!
Happy Birthday to me... 3 days to go!

This is part of an intelectual work belonging to Moira Bianchi, inspired by Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. All rights reserved and registered in Brasil.
All images found on Google.
The talented and gorgeous Tom Ford and Liv Tyler don't have anything to do with this project, sadly. I respect, admire and consume their work.

sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2014

Forever young Jane Austen

Happy Thanksgiving to the ones who understand celebrate the holiday.
Happy shopping to the ones who enjoy Black Friday.

Here in Brasil, until last year, Black Friday meant half of the double price, this year, it seems prices are dropping. Sadly I have been grieving the double suicide of my Sony Ereader and my Mp3 player a month after I returned form my Florida vacations. It's so so sad... So today I bought a Kindle reader... Yay!

Anyway, I wanted to babble about something that has been nagging me for a while. I've talked about my new book that is finally coming to an end (first draft is two chapters away to wrap) and it's another 'inspired on' story, Like Friendh, it's not a retelling as 45, it's a love story, a what if for modern Darcy and Lizzy. while writing it, I keep thinking a bit guilty for taking advantage of Austen although I know the value of fanfiction to oxigenate and keep alive a masterpiece.

And it's not only me or my Janeite friends... there are cell phone covers, action figures, dummies, apparel, tv shows, movies... 
Are we all guilty of vampirism?

Let's not speak only of fanfiction and/or adaptation (synonyms really), but new publishings of her works with modern covers... I have a few here and several of my friends collect different prints of the same novels. Flavorwire has a funny fanfiction scenes of the characters commenting on some. It's funny. 

My favorite is this one (I am a fanfic junkie afterall):

"Pride and Prejudice, Middleton Classics, 2009 (p. 132)
This is a small-press, ebook-only edition of Pride and Prejudice, and while the Thomas Gainsborough paintings make a pretty cover, they were painted some 30 years before the publication of Austen’s novel; besides, I find Mr. Darcy’s floating head to be a trifle… disconcerting.

“Miss Bennet, I have never been so bewitched by any woman as I am by you.”
“Really, Mr. Darcy, if you will persist in letting your disembodied head float around one, I wish you would choose another woman to follow. I dare say Miss Bingley would be pleased to oblige you.”
“I said I was bewitched.”
“That is hardly an excuse. Look at your expression. You are mooning over me like an adolescent.”
“I do not moon, madam.”
“And yet there is your head floating in the sky like the moon itself. It is most disconcerting.”
“And this is all the reply which I am to have the honor of expecting?”
“I am going inside now. Pray do not peek in my bedroom window like you did last night. It is a most ungentlemanly thing to do.” "

Also a post about ridiculous books taking advantage inspired by the novels. Fun as well.

So, to stop my nonsense here, I conclude that Jane is ours and we'd better keep her alive amongst us.
Am I right?

terça-feira, 25 de novembro de 2014

O Diário secreto de Lizzie Bennet


De novo falando da web serie, este deve ser o quinto ou sexto postTenho até uma lista dos episódios que o Mr D aparece...

Eu sei, me repito demais.

Mas o Secret Diaries é muito fofo e foi muito bem conduzido. E agora vai sair em Português!


Olha, mais que tudo, fico muito feliz porque essa pode ser o início da formação de mercado para fanfics. Quando me perguntam por que escrevo em Inglês, sempre respondo a mesma coisa: quem é que vai querer pagar para ler fanfic O&P aqui? O lucro é irrisório, vale mais pelo afago na alma (de saber que alguém quis ler o que vc escreve), o meu lance não é esse. 

Por aqui, tem muita gente que torce o nariz para fanfic... Que pena.

Estou muito feliz com Lizzie Bennet e Darcy em Português! 

Venham meus queridos: 
mi casa, su casa!

sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2014

Jane Austen's house on Street View

today Facebook showed me an interesting post about famous British wirters' homes on Street view. How exciting!

If one is planning a trip abroad, this could make a nice list.

SHORT LIST had all the work, I just marvelled with a glimpse from dear Agatha Christie's home. Also Hardy, Joyce, Tolkien, Fleming and Melville. Interesting, huh?

Of course, darling Austen in Chawton. It's a museum with tons of cool stuff, everybody knows that. 

How Lizzy-ish!!!

If you click on the link and stop right in front of the house, you can notice on the right side gate an indication of the 'Jane Austen walk': "A 4.5-mile circular walk in the heart of Jane Austen country.Start at Jane Austen's House in Chawton and follow in her footsteps across fields and through the village of Farringdon. Jane was inspired by this beautiful countryside to write and revise all her novels."

How Lizzy-ish!!! 
Visit the oficial site, pack your snickers and peticoats (to properly get them six-inches-filth in mud!!) and book a flight! 

Let's walk!

See ya!

quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014

Not exactly Pride and Prejudice

I was having lunch on my own and decide to find some P&P company on youtube. Who else can make me improve my lunch experience than Mr. D. himself, right?

So I found this 'PRIDE AND PREJUDICE KOREAN DRAMA' and I thought: "Great, a Korean fanfic. Yummy!"

Well, not exactly. It's more like Law and Order than Austen's P&P, but it is catching.

The Lizzy - Yeol-Moo - is fast-tongued and cute but the Darcy... Not sure if it's Dong-Chi or Soo... Mmmm... At firts I thought Dong-Chi was Wickhamish but then, not sure anymore. Soo is quiet and obviously taken with Yeol-Moo. 

You know what? Not sure it has anything to do with Austen but I'm gonna watch the other episodes.

This review pretty much sums it up: "It's pretty cute - it's always easy to watch two characters slowly care about each other again - but wholly unesceptional." (read the whole review here)

That pretty much sums up my next book as well... Mmmm... unexceptional. Can I live with this? 

Korean actors are awfully cute.

See ya!

segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2014

15 Pride and Prejudice motion pictures

Hello there!

I've been neglecting my posts, but not this blog or Dizzy. I have two new stories cooking - and giving me a run for my money to finish them.

It's my new Dizzy universe: Prince and Jane's story. I've already talked about the unprecedented need to tell Jane's PoV and how much this story was grwoing in me (no pun intended). It is half done already. It'll be a three part thing, very intense and sweet.

Meanwhile, I've been visiting Mickey Mouse's Florida retreat in a month long vacation, exasperated with our nation's next 4 years president election (very frustrating and very upseting).

Source: Facebook Timeline. Kudos to @janeausten.mx

My little corner of the world may turn this way or that, but Jane Austen will always be a safe port. Right? So, my facebook pals have posted these lovely portraits of all things Pride and Prejudice (how delightful!) and I decided to list them. Kinda like put a name to a pic. 

Source: Facebook Timeline. Kudos to @janeausten.mx

Shall we?

1940 : I always thought this version had a 'Gone with the wind' vibe. Lawrence Olivier as Mr. D, what can I say? Impressive!...
Watch it here!
1952: A a BBC miniseries. Couldn't find much, sadly I've never wtched it. but Mr Cushing seems a little old for Mr. D who had 28 years old in canon. I know, who am I to point that out? Me, who plays with this characters insesantly. I'll keep searching for it and when I do find, I'll update this post.
1958: Also a BBC miniseries. I found a youtube video with several pictures. Also, sadlsy, I haven't watched it. BTW, Darcified rocks!

1967: Either Google and Wikipedia lie to me or BBC is really our Austen feeder. Here goes another one... And Mr D has very pretty hair! Oh, my!... Found one episode.

1980 : Easier to find, this version has a blondish Lizzy that I don't really care for. My Lizzies have to be brunettes, Mr D too. I've tried making him blond but it sounded weird. Guess who is responsible for this miniseries? Yeah, our dear BBC!

1995 : My favorite, even if Elle and Firth are way too old to portrait Lizzy and Darcy. I have a soft spot for this version and until a better one comes, this is it for me.

2001 : So cute this movie and so blah! the book... I decided to read Bridget Jones after watching the movie and hated it. But Darcy's Christmas jumpers are so damn cute! Here's to Darcy and his Natasha!
2004 : A Bollywood version, blondish Darcy, fun, colorful. Not my fave but nice. (I'll always see P&P as something nice. Always.)
2005 : Famous, M&M portrays a cute Darcy, not a particular fan of Knightley but I liked the Darcy side of the story a lot (that's Georgiana, Fitzwilliam, Bourgh, Collins, Bingleys) - PS: Caroline is way cuter than Lizzy... Lucky us she is such a b*tch.
2008 : Nice but not my cup of tea. This version has a spirited Lizzy who doens't pair with Darcy. Ooops, spoiler? Sorry. The best cast for the Bennets, by far! Loooove Mrs B, my eternal ER doctor.
2013 : Light eyed Darcy, cute fast talker reddish Lizzy: Love it! Several posts here talking about them since week 3 on you tube. A must see(horses)! ;)

2013 : BBC strikes back. Hate this washed away Lizzy, love Kevin but don't care for this Darcy. It's fun if you forget all about Austen.

Not in the cute photo collage but worth the mention:
2003: Pride & Prejudice, A Latter-day Comedy 

A blond Lizzy - and I do not like when she is not a spirited brunette, but a Dizzy nonetheless. Funky Darcy. Nice.

2012: A modern Pride and Prejudice
Didn't watch this indie production. Seems like home made and this is what I do: Home made Pride and Prejudice. Will update this post as soon as I watch it.

2013: Austenland
Another case of book blah and movie super cute. Come on: JJ as Darcy??? Yumilicious!
This not Lizzy is funkier than Lost in Austen not Lizzy. In my humble PoV.
Liked it a great deal!

How many did I miss? A couple? Hundreds?
I read a online article that said something like 'It's a turth universally acknowledged that from time to time there shall be another P&P adaptation.' 
Yep, keep'em coming!

see ya!