& Moira Bianchi: março 2018

domingo, 25 de março de 2018

Velocidade máxima: lá vem a segunda semana de Orgulho e Paixão!

Que semana, huh?
twitter porra lica
Nossa, eu imaginava que a novela Orgulho e Paixão ia levantar Austen Nation, mas Nossa, quanto vitriol! Me surpreendeu... 
Confesso que a princípio não entendi. 

Por que alguém reclamaria de ter uma versão de Austen 
adaptada, inspirada, mencionada - 
na TV aberta, 6x por semana? 
É um loosho! 
twitter rai
Nas Olimpíadas de Inverno houve o casal Alemão dançando o tema do filme no gelo e todo mundo se derreteu, no entanto, agora foi um levante: um FLA x FLU! 
Depois raciocinei que é muita emoção, paixão por Austen e O&P. Estamos todos em surto! hihihi
twitter sérgio santos
O que eu achei? Ah, sabe que sou facinha para O&P fanfic, né? Eu estou amando. Principalmente Lady Susan e sua criada PetúLia, ahaha, que máximo! 
Olhem esse diálogo do capítulo 4 de sábado 24.03:

P: 'Eu tenho uma informação que pretendo trocar pela minha pena (por ter feito a tramoia que levou Jane e Lizzy a Netherfield), madama.'
S: 'Abuso!'
P: 'Abuso não, madama, negociação. Foi a senhora mesma quem me ensinou quando ainda era casada com o falecido que ainda está vivo antes de ter sido pega com a boca na botija do melhor amigo dele.'
S: 'Matraca fechada! Saiba seus limites! Dessa botija não admito que se fale...'

Morri de rir! Lady Susan ia ficar enojada com a interação com a criadagem, mas é ótimo! hahaha E essa Petúlia tem alguma treta escondida... #pulgaAtrásDaOrelha

E Dizzy? Oh, o que foi essa sequência do sonho dela que migra para o devaneio dele?... Goshto! Muito!

Mas, como toda rosa tem seus espinhos, vejo alguns probleminhas - se lê meus tweets já sabe: 

-Essas irmãs Bennet/Benedito são muito mudernas para 1910. Saem, ficam sozinhas com os boys, beijam muito, sei não...

-E fiquei com a impressão que a novela está queimando todos os standards de Austen rapidamente para que possa voar solo na segunda fase... Tomara que não, né?... Mas olha o completo resumo da segunda semana e (no meu caso) o que mais interessa que é Darcy&Lizzy:

**segunda, dia 26: Darcy pensa em Elisabeta. Elisabeta se aconselha com Ema, sem revelar que beijou Darcy. Uirapuru (Wickham) e Darcy se reconhecem, e Susana nota. Darcy e Elisabeta se beijam novamente e Susana surpreende os dois.
**terça, dia 27: Susana (Lady Susan/Caroline Bingley) provoca Elisabeta, que a enfrenta. Elisabeta confessa a Ema que teme abrir mão de seus sonhos por causa do amor. Darcy comenta com Camilo que encontrou Uirapuru. Elisabeta revela a Ema que está apaixonada por Darcy.
**quarta, dia 28: Darcy pede Elisabeta em namoro. Uirapuru insinua a Elisabeta que Darcy não é confiável. Elisabeta questiona Darcy sobre a rusga com Uirapuru. Manipulada por Susana, Lídia conta a Darcy sobre os planos de Ofélia para suas filhas. Darcy interrompe o pedido de casamento de Camilo a Jane.
**quinta-feira Santa, dia 29: Darcy e Susana afirmam a Camilo que ele não deve se casar com Jane, e Ema ouve. Jane é acusada de ser interesseira e Elisabeta acode a irmã.  Elisabeta e Jane se perdem na floresta. Darcy conforta Camilo, que sofre com a perda de Jane. Felisberto pede a ajuda de todos no sarau para encontrar Elisabeta e Jane. Ema hesita em contar a Elisabeta o que ouviu de Darcy. Elisabeta e Jane acabam se separando na floresta.
**sexta-feira da Paixão, dia 30: Ernesto (outra face de Wickham - a boa) salva Elisabeta e Darcy encontra Jane na floresta. Ernesto revela a Luccino que deseja namorar Elisabeta. Darcy vai à casa de Ofélia e descobre que Jane e Elisabeta não participaram das armações da mãe. Elisabeta procura Uirapuru. Darcy dá um soco em Uirapuru.
**sábado de Aleluia, dia 31: Darcy e Ernesto constatam que estão apaixonados pela mesma mulher. Elisabeta se irrita com seus pretendentes. Darcy tenta se reaproximar de Elisabeta. Julieta ordena que Camilo vá a São Paulo e Darcy aconselha o amigo sobre Jane. Elisabeta diz a Ernesto que gosta de Darcy. Ema exige que Darcy revele a Elisabeta que foi ele quem disse a Camilo que Jane era interesseira. Camilo pede perdão a Jane. Darcy confessa a Elisabeta que mentiu para ela.
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Tá vendo como está rápidão? Em seis dias vai acontecer Wickham, a primeira separação, Hunsford (adoooro o primeiro pedido de casamento), a grande briga, a resolução do mistério e Darcy já vai explicar a fofoca de Wickham/Uirapuru. Sem a carta (Oh, dó) ao que parece. Com isso, O&P estará praticamente fechado - mesmo que esses Dizzy não estejam juntos AINDA, os standards já terão sido usados. Podem repetir? Sim... Eu mesma fiz isso em The Prince of Pemberley. Mas será?


E para fechar, repito o post do Padre Fábio falando de dar mais uma chance porque não poderia estar melhor encaixado, né? 

O&P teve título provisório de 'Primeiras impressões' enfatizando que a 'segunda chance é sempre mais doce' e Austen nos deus tantos padres/pastores charmosos: Tilney (crush), Ferrars, Bertram, Collins... Hihihi

Boa 2ª semana de novela,


quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2018

Uma Lizzy para Einstein

Estamos na primeira semana de Orgulho e Paixão, imagine os feels! Lizzy e Darcy começando tudo de novo, boy meets girl-girl hates boy - boy falls for girl-girl rejects boy -boy explains his love -girl loves boy... Ah, A-D-O-R-O!!!

portal do beraldo
Eu ando a mils, comentando e falando e twitando e postando! hahaha
grupo de discussão no Facebook. Vem também! Aqui.

Como não? 40min+ Austen live action 6x por semana por 6 meses? #morri

E aí vi essa notícia:
'Carta de Einstein a uma jovem cientista vai a leilão'
Fiquei interessada, ando toda toda com leilões (segredo, não me deixe dar spoilers de novos projetos, não posso falar que estou esc... oops!) então fui lá clicar. 
Ah, o gênio tinha um crush em Elisabetta!


E eu fico como? Imaginou? Claro... Viajei numa fic louca unindo Lizzy a um cientista que é tio de um cara esquisitão que se chama Darcy e... bla, bla, bla! hahaha Já tenho até o título: 

Uma Lizzy para Einstein

resumo da semana
Mas olha que bilhete digno de um romance Austen:

(Para Elisabetta Piccini)
'Para a pesquisadora científica 
a cujos pés eu dormi e fiquei por dois dias inteiros, 
como uma lembrança carinhosa.
Albert Einstein, 1921'

(no original: "Der Naturforscherin, zu deren Fuessen ich zwei volle Tage lang gelegen und gesessen, zum freundlichen Gedenke"

Cabia na pena de um Wentworth, né? 
Tilney, Knightley? Oh...

resumo das novelas
A estória é essa: Ele já era famoso, estava prestes a ganhar o Nobel, tinha 42 anos, passou uns dias na casa da irmã Maya em Florença. No andar de cima morava Elisabetta, jovem estudante de 22 anos, filha de um famoso cientista. É possível que ele tenha ouvido falar do pai dela, viu a moça, ficou interessado em conhecê-la e mandou o bilhete. Ela porém era muito tímida, não quis se encontrar com ele. 

O bilhete foi leiloado esse mês, março de 2018, por cerca de R$ 18.000,00. 

E eu pergunto, quem resiste a uma Lizzy?

quarta-feira, 14 de março de 2018

Orgulho&Paixão - comento a primeira semana ANTES de ir ao ar!

é isto mesmo, comento antes da novela começar!
Nível de Austenite: max!
O que dizer, sou fanfic junkie, como eu ficaria com uma novela inteirinha de O&P recheada de R&S, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Lady Susan, Emma?...
Pirei, claro!

Hoje me falaram do resumo, achei, imprimi, fiz uma legenda (lista de personagens está aqui) e tchan! Comento!
Lá vai!
Veja aqui. O que eu achei: Está bem certinho com os primeiros capítulos, imagino que será aqui aquela cena dos boys a cavalo copiada inspirada no seriado da BBC. Tem Lady Susan, já gostei. E Dizzy logo de cara... Bom!

Logo no segundo dia já vemos plots de R&S e Northanger + Mansfield, já fica tenso... E a primeira briga de Darcy e Lizzy que - vou ser sincera - é o que me interessa de verdade. Acho que a briga é essa dess tweet:

O baile de Netherfield, que surpresa, antes de tudo mais, antes de Jane e Bingley se apaixonarem... Taí, não tinha visto isto em uma fic antes. Por fim, o tuxedo party!

Neste capítulo vejo que 'Agatha' será a fofoqueira do grupo, um mix de Sra. Phillips de O&P e Sra Bates de Emma e outras tantas. Também vejo que Otávio e Randolfo serão Cpt Carter e Sgt Denny, os amigos de Wickham de O&P. Essa cena do cavalheiro dentro da saia da moça (oh, céus!!!) é divertida!

Só depois do Baile de Netherfield - aqui baile de Emma - que Jane fica adoentada e hospedada com Bingley e cabe a Lady Susan o papel das irmãs Bingley... Curioso. Até esse ponto, os plots mais desenvolvidos são das irmãs Morland e Dashwood - muitos apostam nelas como as melhores personagens. Particularmente gostei do carro atolado e Dizzy preso dentro! Hihihi

E fechamos a primeira semana com o beijo! Ah... que maravilha!
Mas além disso (se é que algo mais importa) vemos que Catherine Morland já está vajando na maionese, Cel Brandon já caidinho por Marianne, Lady Susan já está tricotando horrorores com ajuda da amiga do mal (nesse caso empregada), que haverá o plot dos problemas sociais da época como dos trabalhadores imigrantes Italianos nos cafezais, que as Bennets estão confinadas com Bingley...

E tem isso, de uma das chamadas...
Só de stays com o boy na grama em um dia de sol...

Eu diria que:

Vou fazendo updates conforme as discussões!
Na terça, vou estar online no Twitter, Face, insta e onde mais minha loucura deixar! Vamos bater papo!

Viva Austen Nation!
Até 20.março!

terça-feira, 13 de março de 2018

9 ways to live Pride and Prejudiciously - chapter 7 _ PART III (final)

hi, there.
I'm very pleased to tell that this story was chosen as an exemple on a study case for a doctor's thesis! How cool is that?
The interaction, the theme and the P&P handling fit on what the specilaist wants to focus. Yay!

Not intentionally, but very timely, here's the third and last part of this Regency chapter. It's all about romance and love and...
Well, hope you enjoy it.

Nine ways to live Pride and Prejudiciously
WIP, modern (mostly), adult (you know me...), fun, fluff, heart healing stuff.
read chapter 7- part II

IV-Oldies but goldies _ PART III

‘There’s been so much hope filling me since the bookstore...’


‘That your feelings may have changed since Easter.’

She blushed and looked away. One moment before she was ready to fight, now... ‘They have changed.’ Lizzy returned her eyes to him.

Darcy raised his brows. ‘For the best?’

She nodded, cheeks flushed to strawberry red. ‘Completely different.’ She whispered hearing her friends coming closer. 
Although they waited still a quarter hour, only when he handed her in with a splitting smile he felt something pressed in his palm. ‘It doesn’t have to be like that.’ She whispered. 

Inside the cabin, as the coach started rocking, he used his top hat as disguise to inspect the gift: a small golden knot pin. Darcy raised his eyes to her and noticed it must have been holding the scarf over her shoulders. 

They exchanged promising looks over the book she pretended to read with Charlotte.

That evening at Northanger Abbey, their first in the ancient property, Darcy kept Lizzy distracted as he was waiting for her when the girls arrived downstairs for dinner. 

Even though they took part on the chatting about music, she did sing when she was relentlessly asked to take to the pianoforte as he turned pages for her, it was his company that she had by her side.

And it was in his ear that she voiced her concern on Tilney’s interest on Charlotte.

‘I do think he is rather partial to her.’

‘As I am to you, Lizzy?’

She blushed. ‘You do spend too much time with Mr. Tilney, Fitzwilliam.’ Lizzy accused. ‘This funny expression is very similar to the ones he makes.’

Darcy raised his brows. ‘So you pay attention to the man’s features?’

‘I’m telling you he is very partial to my friend; she is young as my sisters…’ Lizzy sighed. ‘I may have been mistaken, but she seemed to evade me when we arrived here but I don’t think she understands his intentions.’

‘Maybe he doesn’t have clear intentions yet.’ Darcy rolled his shoulders, eyes on Tilney laughing at what Charlotte said with widened eyes. ‘He merely enjoys her company. Ladies’ imagination ran fast from friendship to matrimony.’

She gasped. ‘Who said anything about matrimony?’

He was also surprised. ‘Are you still worried about compromising situations?’

‘We are here in his estate, such a grand manor of gloomy atmosphere that she reads about in novels…’

‘I see you read those silly books too.’


He laughed for he was happy in being there with her. ‘I believe I can confide in you again. And again, would be very obliged if you didn’t comment a secret.’

‘Of course.’

‘Eleanor loves a man her father does not approve the match, and Tilney expects his visit during our stay. That might be the only compromising situation you might encounter here, my Lizzy.’

She blushed at the endearment. ‘I thought she was interested in you…’

‘No.’ Darcy smiled sideways finding it rather encouraging his beloved Lizzy showing jealousy.

‘Why would General Tilney not want his only daughter to be happy?’

‘The man is second son who would never inherit a fortune.’


‘Do not worry, Lizzy. Such an unfortunate predicament shall not befall on you.’

‘Fitzwilliam…’ Lizzy shook her head. ‘Thinking that way, you should have the good luck of falling for a lady who comes with a fortune attached.’

He shook his head. ‘That is not my case, I know for sure.’ Darcy tilted his head. ‘And it is not necessary at all.’

A warm kind of excitement took Lizzy over.

The next morning, as they roamed the vast gardens walking two by two with Eleanor alone in between the couples, Lizzy noticed, Charlotte and Tilney were very good friends.

‘Are they courting, do you think?’

‘As I am courting you?’

A smile. ‘I am serious, Fitzwilliam.’

‘As I am, Lizzy.’

He itched to steal another kiss, even if fast. A small hand kiss wouldn’t do, he wanted another kiss on her lips. Maybe it was too early to renew his offer, but he felt he was on the right way this time.

Northanger Abbey among his good friends, the Tilneys, made it easier for him to gain Lizzy’s confidence and win her heart little by little.

‘Ah, here I find you!’ Darcy bowed very gentlemanly, Lizzy turned from the big library window to face him.

‘I am watching the storm.’ She pointed the night. ‘Is it not mesmerizing?’ 

‘After such an animated discussion you had with Tilney a few moments ago, I considered you would be reading by his side at the couch.’

‘I don’t understand, sir.’

‘’Sir’ again?’

‘Mr. Tilney is very charming; we talked at length about Fordyce’s Sermons, a favorite book of my sister Mary.’ Lizzy let out a giggle. ‘He is to be a clergyman, you know?’ Darcy nodded, face still crumpled. ‘His opinions are so agreeable! I can only compare him with my cousin Collins!’ Another giggle. 

Darcy pressed his eyes hearing her speak about another man who offered for her, compliment his friend with enthusiasm she never used with him, but oh, the devil! How mirth agreed with that handsome face of hers.

‘And Charlotte’s father is a clergyman too, she can quote Fordyce but it is so different from Mary, Fitzwilliam, one might think she talks about another book completely. Eleanor could not understand why my sister would be so fastidious about religion and Henry tried to explain-’

‘Henry?’ Darcy raised his eyebrows, hands clasped behind his back.

‘He gave me leave to use his first name…’ Lizzy bit her lip and blinked slowly. ‘Extended the same courtesy to Charlotte.’

‘I see.’

She tilted her head to a side; the moonlight gave her an aura that almost calmed his heart. ‘Careful, Fitzwilliam, one who does not know you might misinterpret your reaction as jealousy…’ An arched eyebrow finished the tease.

‘One would understand me correctly.’

‘Really?’ Her mouth raised at the left corner. ‘Why would that be, sir?’

He pointed at her. ‘Sir.’


‘You use ‘sir’ to talk to me, but ‘Henry’ for Tilney; spent the evening laughing with him instead of choosing to stay by my side at the couch where your tea cooled down.’

‘On the corner?’


‘Away from the group?’

He raised his shoulders and tilted his head.

She giggled. ‘Henry has a funny expression just like that, Fitzwilliam!’

He groaned inwardly. When this woman wanted, she could be impossible.

‘It is so amusing!’ She held her hands together over her bosom. And so handsome with his face in a serious expression letting her know how aggravated he was because she chose to spend time away from him. ‘I consider myself lucid, you know. If I didn’t, I might flatter myself considering you brood for me.’

‘You know it is all for you, Lizzy.’

A sassy smile grew slowly on her lips. ‘My being happy upset you?’

‘That was not the reason.’

‘Me enjoying the evening with friends you consider the best of people made you uncomfortable?’

‘Please, Lizzy.’

‘Enlighten me, Fitzwilliam, for I cannot-’

Taking her by surprise, he swiftly moved closer to rest his hands on the windowsill by her sides trapping her in his embrace. She gasped; he lowered his head to almost touch their lips. ‘You enjoy the ladies’ friendship, that allows you Eleanor’s brother’s company. But my Lizzy, you are not careful with my heart. I have made my affections clear yet you choose to ignore me. And then bestow attention on Tilney.’ His eyes burned as much as her cleavage moved in fast breaths. ‘Either you talk to me in actions or you want to punish me for what was passed last Easter. Either way, it is heart wrenching for me to witness your attention drift away.’

His deep voice so close, strong body almost weighing down on her, so ensconced in the back of the library as they were, Lizzy let herself go. In an almost feverish state, she held his jacket’s lapels for leverage, closed her eyes, rose on tip toes and placed a light kiss on the side of his lips.

Darcy wasn’t expecting such a response – he hoped for it, but didn’t expect. His heart leaped, a smile grew, arms held her close to him. ‘I ardently love you.’

Her fine eyes slowly raised from his lips to meet his gaze. ‘I… I think…’

A brief closed-lipped kiss silenced her. He could wait to hear her certainty; time was on his side.

‘Should we not return to the others?’

‘I’ve shared you with them too much already this evening.’


‘Excuse yourself; let me show you the Abbey.’

Lizzy bit her lip feeling very tempted to let him show her whatever he had in mind, but her friend was very young and very naïve. Would she leave Kitty or Lydia alone with a handsome charming gentleman? Well, with Lydia it would be Tilney at risk and to be true, Charlotte did seem to find ways to vanish from her sight from time to time. 

Eleanor didn’t seem to oppose very much to her brother’s affections, and who would? Charlotte was a charming girl.

‘Please, Lizzy.’ Darcy insisted.

Reluctantly she nodded.

Roaming the big house counting on his arm for support and hearing Darcy tell her the Abbey’s medieval story, Lizzy couldn’t shake off the gothic ghosts Charlotte kept babbling about.

‘You think there are secrets here?’

‘Surely. Many I’d say.’

‘Charlotte is convinced there are ghosts and vampires.’

Darcy laughed.

‘Henry said so.’ Lizzy bit her lip. ‘He said there are several kinds of vampirism.’

‘I believe he implied family grieving.’

‘But the place does spook us in a night like this, storm outside and this cold wind. The moon must shine on the river...’ She mused. ‘It’s full moon quarter.’

They climbed the steps slowly and as they reached the second landing, they both started to feel sorry for having to say goodbye for the night.

‘It does.’ He said and she turned to look straight in his eyes. ‘My room faces the river.’ She blushed. ‘It’s up on the third floor, higher than the treetops and the stone keep.’

‘Oh, what a view it must be...’ She bit her lip.

‘Do you want to see it?’

Her eyes widened. ‘Enter your room at this hour? After dinner?’

‘During the day you can’t see the moon.’

She shook her head, he chuckled.

‘But what if someone sees me, Fitzwilliam?’

‘You’ll be compromised?’ A smile. ‘Come on, we’ll take care.’

They sneaked up the side stairs giggling as children stealing rolls from the kitchen and as soon as they closed his door behind them, they heard his valet. 

Darcy pressed his finger to his lips, she nodded holding his arm. ‘It’s fine, Evans.’ He tried to keep a steady voice pushing the girl behind his back. ‘I’m still sleepless, you can go. Good night.’

‘Won’t you want help changing, sir?’ The man’s voice came from the side door near the window where a shadow threatened to erupt from the threshold.

Lizzy felt her knees jiggle. What if he changed clothes while she was there? He was so handsome...

‘No, it’s still early.’ Darcy answered raising his voice in a tone of finality. ‘Thank you, good night.’

‘Very well, good night, Mr. Darcy.’

They waited without moving for a few moments until there was no more noise coming from the changing room.

‘Come, Lizzy, the balcony is over there.’ He whispered reaching behind him to clasp hands with her. ‘You’re shaking!’ A chuckle.

‘It was so close!’

‘He’d never rattle on me.’


At the balcony, they awkwardly stayed side by side admiring the magnificent park under the light of the moon until Darcy vanished inside and returned with two small wine glasses.

‘Oh, thank you.’

‘It’s really a dream coming true having you here with me.’ He smiled and sipped the liquorish beverage.

‘’Tis just for the moonlight.’ She teased.

‘Like a spell.’ He leaned to steal a kiss snaking an arm around her waist to bring her so close to his chest it was impossible to keep any resemblance of propriety. At first, they touched lips but he cajoled her to open her mouth and allow him to taste her flavor.

It seemed strange, it warmed her in spite of the wind and the storm, even the occasional raindrops that reached her skin, but it was oh so amazing!

And his kisses traveled her face, her ear, soon reached the column of her neck. 

Before she knew, her scarf and his jacket were on the floor.

The next night it didn’t rain, the moonlight was brighter and the kisses a little bolder. Sassy, she perched on the ledge of his room’s balcony. 

‘I’m in your hands.’ She teased in a smile holding his shirt.

'You’re safe.’ He murmured close to her ear.

She trembled. ‘You could easily tip me over.’

‘I only have the intention of making you fall there.’ He motioned with his head towards the bed, she blushed. ‘Nowhere else. Your life and virtue are safe with me.’

‘Even if your lips caress my cleavage?’

‘I’m only following the trail you left me when you perfumed yourself, minx.’

Lizzy gasped. ‘Can you tell?’

They chuckled, aware they were playing with fire.

‘Shsh!’ Her dainty fingers pressed over his mouth. ‘If someone hear us and show up on that window-’ She pointed up. ‘-or that one-’ She pointed down ‘- I’m compromised!’

‘No one will show up, this side of the house is only used by guests the family utterly trusts.’ Darcy said with hooded eyes trained on her lips and bosom.

‘You are an utterly trustworthy gentleman, I suppose.’ Lizzy teased caressing his jaw.

‘At your disposal.’

‘Your hand traveling up my stocking is no cause for alarm, then?’

His fingers closed on her thigh just over her knee. ‘I love you, Lizzy. Most ardently.’

‘I know.’ A kiss and said leg slightly raised to rest over his thigh. ‘I love you too.’

He smiled so brightly it seemed the moon disappeared to give way to the sun. Finally, the time had come, she was his and he was hers. ‘Allow me to write to your father asking permission to marry you.’

She jerked her head back, blinked, lips apart to breath. 

‘Please?’ He begged, she nodded.

In an easy movement, he got her in his arms and deposited her on the huge bed, took off his coat and shoes and laid beside her to resume the kisses. 

‘May I?’ He asked with fingers on her dress’ ribbon. 

Lizzy thought that loosening up the bodice wouldn’t be a sin bigger than sharing caresses on his bed, so she nodded. But the kisses escalated, he lost the vest, she the dress and the corset was opened to her ribs when they stopped breathless. The petticoats, those were tangled over her knees.

The third day of moon admiring at his room’s balcony, he brought her a thin funny looking crystal glass with bubbly white wine. ‘Taste this.’

‘Oh, wow!’ She giggled cleaning bubbles from her nose. ‘It’s delicious.’

‘Tilney and I bought it together from the same corsair years ago, it’s French champagne.’ A handsome smile decorated his face and warmed her heart. ‘I’ll serve on our wedding breakfast.’


He grinned taking off his jacket and cravat. ‘Tilney offered us this bottle when I told him the good news.’ 

Lizzy frowned. ‘You betrayed our secret! Now he will tell Eleanor and Charlotte, they’ll be cross I didn’t say anything even though we spent the day together exploring the house and talking about all kinds of ladies’ trinkets…’

‘Whatever could be defined as ladies’ trinkets, my love?’ He asked still grinning. ‘Georgiana might like to discuss this as well.’

‘Huh.’ She grumbled. ‘Traitor! Now everybody knows I come here at night. How will I face them tomorrow?’

‘No!’ He shook his head offended and handed her his glass to disentangle the garments. ‘Your visits are ours alone; I will never talk about this, Lizzy.’ She was still suspicious. ‘Tilney went to the village with me to procure the express that took the letter to your father, to my solicitor and I took care of a gift for you.’

‘You already sent word to Meryton?’

‘Yes, it must reach Longbourn tomorrow morning, early afternoon the latest.’

She bit her lip.

‘Second thoughts?’

‘No...’ A sigh. ‘Only imagining my mother throwing a fit and writing aunt Phillips who is waiting my return in Bath.’ She took a big sip of her glass. ‘Is Gretna Green too far?’

He chuckled. ‘Yes. We agreed on no compromising.’

‘Huh.’ She took a big sip from his glass too so they’d be even.

‘Here’s your gift.’

‘Oh, thank you... I don’t have anything for you, Fitzwilliam.’

A kiss and he exchanged the parchment wrapping for his glass. ‘I thought you’d be more comfortable here with me in this.’ 

She blushed, he was almost naked: pants and shirt with top buttons opened, nothing else. 

‘Should I?...‘

‘Please.’ He smiled.

Maybe it was the moon, the champagne and her imagination together but to her his smile seemed of a rogue nature. The most handsome perfect valuable trustworthy rogue there could be. Weren’t those the worst kind?

In his dressing room, she saw drafts of the letter he sent her father, such respectful love words… Plus the letter to the bishop procuring the special marriage license and one to his sister. It was so touching, her heart swelled. The whole atmosphere of that sojourn in Northanger Abbey was inebriating. Opening the gift, a shudder ran through her: he had commissioned her a negligée, a very revealing one.

Ives Chancey - Undine rising from the waters
Darcy could hardly wait to see the filmy garment over her chemise; it’d be perfect for the intimate nights they spent together. He had specifically asked for a single peignoir, not a bridal set. She was a virgin, his promised bride, they’d wait until...

She returned to the room with nothing under the negligée holding it against her chest. ‘Do you-’ She swallowed. ‘Do you like it?’

‘It’s perfect.’ He whispered offering his hand, she took it, they held each other close and kissed like never again the two bodies could be separated.

She was nervous, he could tell. The devil take him if he was not taken aback by her boldness! His Lizzy was perfect, all loveliness and handsomeness in a single woman made only for him, solely for the purpose of completing his life. The letter should be really close to her father, he had already instructed his solicitor to make arrangements for his wedding, they were alone, she was in his arms…

From there where they stood holding in the middle of the room, he took her to the bed, fingers always exploring over the thin garment.

The candleholder was forgotten over the mantle; their bodies were bathed on shadows making their languid movements acquire a poetic scene. 

She raised her arms to take away a few hairpins that pinched her head when she laid against his pillow and he drooled over the image of her breasts.

A deep groan, his big hand covered her left breast and lips touched the right one. ‘So beautiful.’

‘Fitzwilliam!’ She gasped, knees clasped as if to hold in a feeling impossible to handle. ‘This-’

‘One day you’ll be in my bed without anything hiding your beauty, my love.’

She moaned.

He kissed the breast he held. ‘So perfect.’ His leg forced to gain space between hers allowing her to feel the hard volume in his breaches.

Intrigued, she wriggled against the mattress, he groaned again, captured her mouth in a searing kiss and the hardness against her leg was more perceptible.

‘Where does this goes?’ She asked in a soft voice lowering her hand to touch him without notice.

Catching him unawares, he didn’t have time to prevent the touch or make it more agreeable to both – not that it displeased him. In fact, it was a true dream realized to have an intelligent beautiful wife who was also a passionate minx in his bed.

‘I’ve seen you arranging it when we’re alone here at night.’ She whispered as he kept silently holding his teeth together so fiercely she could see his jaw’s bone through his skin.

‘Let me show you.’ He took a deep breath, entwined his big fingers with her delicate ones and over his breaches caressed his length. He groaned, it twitched, she blinked feeling her mouth water.

‘It’s warm…’


‘Can you control it?’ She whispered.

He shook his head putting more strength on the hold of their fingers around him. ‘You can.’ 

A few moments passed in between wet kisses and bold caresses, very wet and very, very bold.

‘This is a sin.’ She moaned in his opened mouth.

‘Yes.’ His other hand never left her breast.

‘Am I compromised now?’

‘Yes, but our marriage will only be consummated when this-’ He gave himself a final squeeze with their entwined fingers before traveling between her legs over the negligée. ‘Goes here.’

A delicious long moan, her back arched raising from the mattress offering her chest to his mouth, the perfume of her body took him over and before he knew, his hand disengaged from hers to explore on its own.

The feel of being invaded by a single phalanx made her utter a cry that would have resonated in the room if he hadn’t been expecting to kiss her silent. ‘Calm down, my love.’

‘Oh, please. What is that?’

‘I could just taste you here.’ He let the tip of his finger caress her clit, she begged in a long incoherent moan of someone who had no idea of what she felt. ‘Where?’ He teased in a sly smile. ‘Here?’ And he did it again.’

‘Tell me, what is this?’ She clasped her legs together.

‘Open, let me explain.’ Her particular rogue smiled sideways.

Her breathing would never be the same, forever she’d need more air than there was available in England. But she tried, still clasped her legs together, still held his hand in both of hers, still stared at the shadows the moon and the candles played in the ceiling.

‘I should have asked you to compromise me sooner.’

He chuckled.

‘How could I know?’

‘Girls are not supposed to know.’

‘Men do?’

‘We have to, otherwise how would a perfect rose like you consider giving me a second chance?’

Lizzy turned to lay on her side and look him in the eye. ‘If you had explained this before, you wouldn’t need a second chance!’ He laughed, held her face for a kiss, she blushed seeing the stain in his breaches. ‘When will it be different? I mean, you won’t waste your…’

‘Our wedding day.’


‘And when-’ She stopped asking sassy questions, looked at the closed door. ‘Did you hear it?’

‘Yes.’ Darcy rose. ‘Dress up, take my robe from the dressing room.’ There was someone on the stairs.

‘I wonder if it is the Abbey’s ghost.’


In his travelling coat, Darcy stepped outside his room barefoot, cautiously looked around, jumped when Lizzy grabbed his waist from behind and again when suddenly Charlotte appeared on the darkened third floor stairs.

‘Miss Charlotte! What are you doing here at his hour?’

‘I…’ The girl stammered. ‘I only wanted to investigate…’

‘She believes my family has a horrible secret.’ Tilney’s voice was heard loud and clear from somewhere close. 'She believes my father killed my mother!’

Bookstore at Vendata temple
‘Oh, Charlotte!’ Lizzy tried to reach her friend, trapped her foot on the hem of Darcy’s long robe and lost her balance falling over a side table. A set of copper vases and vessels tumbled over, rattled and fell to the floor in a loud clash and a piercing long meow.

Bertha woke up with a sassy warm smile on her lips feeling the sandpaper tongue of her parents’ cat on her face. ‘Are you hungry, Ginger?’ She yawned petted the fat feline thinking a long soak bath scrubbing the right places would do her much good.


Lottie paced her living room, cell phone against her year, teeth clamped, ire burning her patience. ‘Pick up the phone, you-’ 


“What do you want, Bertha? Ruin my life?”

“Ouch, Lottie! Why are you yelling?”

“You invaded my dream!”

“I, what?”

“My belladama dream! You hitchhiked my dream, you messed it up, you wanted to control what I did with my partner!”



“Did I?”

“Don’t you remember being my chaperone and controlling the time I spent with the hot old-fashioned guy in love with me? I kept shaking you off, but you never took the hint! He wanted to marry me, we were supposed to live a love story for a few more days but you meddled in and cut it short!”

Bertha didn’t know what to say.

“How did you manage such a mess?”

“Have no idea, you are the fake witch. I just came to visit my parents, but they left for the weekend so I took the tea to relax and-”
business Korea

“Oh. My. God. You’re here in Merrytown.” Lottie cursed under her voice. “This must be the reason.”

“What do we do now?”

“You must have used your last portion, so I’m safe. Get out of my dreams, Bertha!” Lottie yelled again. “I should never have given it to you in the first place!”

“I’m sorry, I just-”

Bertha stared at her cell phone not believing her calm and controlled longtime friend had disconnected so rudely. Belladama dreams were serious business, it seemed.

~ continues ~

A.N.- This chapter was updated in June.2019 because as I revised, it seemed to me that Darcy was a bit too harsh. Just a few lines were changed, very subtle but capital. M.

domingo, 4 de março de 2018

9 ways to live Pride and Prejudiciously - chapter 7 _ PART II

hey, hello.

Here in Brasil we're all about a Jane Austen mashup soap opera about to start at the end of the month. 

Usually these shows last for six to seven months, so we'll be filled with a whole hour, 6 days a week of (hopefully) delicious adventure of Benedito sisters searching for love. The family is composed by Lizzy, Jane and Lydia Bennet plus Catherine Morland and Marianne Dashwood - yeah, these are the 5 daughters of a matchmaking mamma. Their close friend? Emma, of course. Enemy? Susan!
Oh, dear... I'm praying to Saint Jane of Austen ´cos this mélange is so risky!... 

Anyway, here in this risqué mashup of my own, Darcy and Lizzy are bathed in Bath's love season...

Nine ways to live Pride and Prejudiciously
WIP, modern (mostly), adult (you know me...), fun, fluff, heart healing stuff.
read chapter 7- part I

IV-Oldies but goldies _ PART II

       ‘Let me make amends escorting you out on your morning walks tomorrow.’

‘I don’t have a chaperone here.’ She frowned, pursed her lips.

The musicians hit the final chords, she curtsied and he bowed.

‘Lizzy!’ Charlotte smiled skipping a step beside her. ‘Mr. Tilney and Miss Tilney, his sister, always take morning walks through the park. You said you like these adventures, Isabella hates exercises.’ The girl smiled. ‘Would you like to come with me?’ She looked at the smiling gentleman. ‘Please?’

‘Fine.’ Lizzy grumbled.

‘If the lady let me know her address, I can offer to get her in my phaeton.’ Darcy smiled sideways.

‘That would be just fine, Darce.’ Tilney smiled. ‘For me and my sister Eleanor could then escort Miss Charlotte and we could meet at the park.’


Lizzy shook her head. ‘I don’t know…’

‘Please…’ Charlotte held her new friend’s elbow.

‘We were just now talking about books, were we not?’ Lizzy tried to communicate with the girl through her eyes.


‘Maybe we could meet earlier and then, if Miss Tilney likes to read too, she could meet us at the bookstore tomorrow.’ Lizzy forced a smile. ‘Just the ladies, reading does improve the mind…’

‘Oh, I see.’ Charlotte nodded.

‘I’ll convey this idea to my sister, Miss Lizzy.’ Tilney smiled tilting his head in a funny expression.

Darcy pressed his eyes. ‘I like to read a good deal. As I recall from Cambridge, you do as well, Tilney.’

The other gentleman changed his smile from sad to bright. ‘Very much so.’

‘Then we have a novel pastime here for Bath, I’d say!’ Charlotte gushed. ‘What do you fancy reading, Mr. Tilney? I told Miss Lizzy that she should read Udolpho.’

‘Ah, you should read gothic novels, Miss Lizzy.’ Darcy offered his arm, Lizzy was obliged to take it or they would make a scene in the middle of the crowded Assembly room. ‘Would you be afraid of the horrors it tells?’

‘You are full of mischief, Mr. Darcy.’

‘I beg your pardon?’

‘I shall uncover your secrets.’

He laughed, that’d be delightful.


Lizzy barely slept after the excitement of meeting Darcy again. 

Their last meeting had been of the most violent nature, he had offered his hand and she refused in the worst manner possible; he accused her of being uncivil, she accused him of cruelty, he wrote her a heartfelt humbling letter and left. 

And he was so handsome… Tall, dark, pristine cravat with a jewel pin, a charming smile… All that man with ten thousand a year, very polite and proper, she refused him because her mind was filled with vile gossip… Oh, how could one find sleep?

Her maid arrived to open her chamber’s blinds at dawn and was surprised the young lady was in the big chair near the window keeping the day under watch. How could she meet the man face to face again, in private? She felt her face warm up just thinking about it.

Before she even finished her simple breakfast teacup, Charlotte arrived with a book and a smile. ‘Are you not ready yet?’

‘Just about.’

‘Isabella do not want to come with us, as I thought she’d refuse.’ A pout. ‘She said that it is too early for her complexion.’

‘I see.’ Lizzy nodded. ‘Is she engaged to you brother?’

‘Yes! Is it not very romantic?’

‘I considered if she was not flirting like my sisters last night.’

‘No, she is like that, very amicable.’


‘You consider her a bad influence?’ Charlotte asked, Lizzy shook her head. ‘Mr. Tilney seems to have Mr. Darcy in high esteem and Mr. Darcy has you high esteem as I am beginning to have too. Maybe I should spend time with you instead.’ 

Lizzy had to blink to make her sleepy mind work after the complicated reasoning. 

‘Here.’ Charlotte put the book on the table. ‘The mysteries of Udolpho.’

‘Thank you.’ The food pushed aside, Lizzy immediately started to browse the big book. ‘If we already have what to read and talk about, do we need to go out?’

‘Yes, we have an appointment with the Tilneys and Mr. Darcy!’

‘I’d rather we didn’t go…’

‘Oh, but you will go.’ Mrs. Phillips ordered entering the room. ‘I asked around and confirmed these Tilneys are a very wealthy family.’

‘They have been to Cambridge together.’ Charlotte said choosing a biscuit from the tray. ‘Darcy and Tilney.’

‘Really?’ Mrs. Phillips tilted her head.

‘He said last night.’

‘The maid shall accompany you to the library, she’ll chaperone you.’

‘Miss Tilney will be there.’

‘Good, make sure you befriend her as well, girls.’

Oh, dear. Lizzy thought. Away from her mother, too close to her aunt. ‘Wouldn’t you rather I kept you company, aunt?’ You´re always so adamant of me keeping close, insisted on my company here.’

‘I can spare you if the cause is so just.’

Urgh. ‘Let us go, Charlotte.’ Lizzy stood from the breakfast table.

Walking the busy Bath streets, careful not to get ran over by fast carriages, the two girls exchanged confidences of the previous night when they had almost undivided attention of handsome gentlemen.

‘So, your Mr. Tilney is Mr. Darcy’s longtime friend.’ Lizzy smiled sideways angling her head to see Charlotte’s face in spite of their bonnets.

‘Don’t say my Mr. Tilney, Lizzy…’ The girl bit her lip. ‘Why would you imply so?’

‘To me his intentions were clear.’

‘Intentions towards me?’ She seemed stunned. ‘Do you think so?’

A smile and a nod.

‘And so Mr. Darcy was also interested in you?’

Pursed lips.

‘Mr. Tilney said the most agreeable things to me…’

‘He did?’ Lizzy was glad the subject had drifted from Darcy as soon as it arrived close.

‘Mhum!’ Charlotte nodded. ‘He knows a great deal of muslim and lady gowns.’

Lizzy laughed. ‘How peculiar!’

‘And he dances very well.’

‘I noticed.’

‘I’m looking forward to meeting him today.’

Lizzy thought how awkward it could be meeting Darcy again. Maybe he had given up the idea…

He hadn’t.

The girls arrived at the book shop to find the gentlemen waiting at the door with a handsome lady by their side.

Lizzy wanted, but couldn’t shake the feeling of jealousy nagging on her when she noticed Darcy talking animatedly with the woman wearing a the most beautiful spencer she’d seen.

‘Ah, Miss Moreland.’ Tilney bowed. ‘Miss Bennett.’

‘Good morning, sir.’ Charlotte smiled. ‘Sir.’ She curtsied to Darcy as well.

‘Miss Moreland.’ Darcy bowed. ‘Miss Lizzy.’ He bowed again, this time keeping his eyes on hers as she curtsied.

‘Allow me to introduce my sister.’ Tilney smiled. ‘Eleanor.’

‘I am very pleased to finally meet you, Miss Lizzy.’ Miss Tilney curtsied. ‘And you, Miss Moreland.’

‘Charlotte, please.’ The girl said as they entered the lovely shop before the gentlemen. ‘Why you say finally? Have you heard much of Lizzy? I just met her, but my friend Isabella said her mother who is friends with her aunt said Lizzy is very accomplished.’

‘No, I am not…’ Lizzy blushed.

‘Yes, you are!’ Charlotte tapped her new friend’s hand. ‘She said you are the most intelligent girl of Hertfordshire.’ 

‘Huh, huh.’

‘And she is a local beauty.’

‘I can attest to both statements.’ Darcy said as they passed by the ladies.

Eleanor laughed. ‘William is such an eavesdropper since he was a young boy.’

‘And you were always our preceptor.’ Tilney pulled on his sister’s bonnet’s pretty ribbon. ‘Not even that much older than us.’

‘Two babies.’ Eleanor rolled her eyes. ‘Which books do you girls would like to read?’

For several moments, lost in the new friendship with Eleanor and Charlotte among books talking about novels and romances, Lizzy forgot about Darcy. 

Between the three of them, they had an older more centered lady in Eleanor, an intelligent headstrong in Lizzy and a dreamy naïve in Charlotte making a perfect trio intimate enough to use their first names. 

‘My dad will be out of town this week; he can be a trifle too…’ Eleanor wriggled her hands. ‘Too moody sometimes. Would you two care for spending this time at Northanger Abbey with us?’

‘At an Abbey?’ Charlotte repeated.

‘You home estate?’ Lizzy blinked.

‘Yes.’ Eleanor nodded. ‘It’s not far, barely two changes. One if in a hurry. We can all go together, even. Darcy has his coach here in Bath, and we have ours.’ She said, but the girls were still stunned and kept silent. ‘Henry?’ She called out.


‘I just invited the ladies to the Abbey for the week.’

‘What a marvelous idea, sister!’ He opened a big smile that contaminated Charlotte. ‘Darce?’


Lizzy jumped when Darcy’s voice sounded right behind her.

‘What do you say about having these lovely guests at the Abbey with us?’

‘If Miss Lizzy would care to spend the weekend at the Abbey, she’d be enchanted with the property.’ He smiled at her who blushed. ‘And Miss Charlotte, the library is quite extensive.’

‘Not quite as Pemberley’s.’ Tilney teased.

‘No.’ Darcy chuckled. ‘But almost.’

‘Where is Pemberley, sir?’

‘His estate, Miss Charlotte, in Derbyshire.’ Tilney smiled sideways.

‘It is settled, then.’ Eleanor gushed, hands held over her chest. ‘When can we go?’ She turned to her brother. ‘When will father leave town?’


‘If the day is agreeable, we can ride the phaetons.’ Eleanor planned. ‘We can drive Charlotte and Darcy can arrange for Lizzy.’

In a deep blush, not sure how to escape such a trap, Lizzy shook her head. ‘Let me talk to my aunt first, make sure she can spare me for a week.’

‘Of course.’ Eleanor nodded, saddened. ‘Of course you should ask her first. You too, Charlotte, should ask your grandmother.’

‘I’m sure she won’t oppose… As Mrs. Phillips won’t.’

‘If necessary, I can intercede.’ Darcy offered.

‘Please don’t.’ Lizzy asked.



A moment passed when they stared at each other in silent communication, the other’s forgotten until he pointed an ungloved hand over his shoulder. ‘I think I may have found a shelf that might interest you, Miss Lizzy, there at the back of the shop. Would you care to visit?’

‘Books on regimentals, sir?’

He pressed a smile and nodded.

Walking behind her, eyes on the crown of her bonnet, Darcy could hardly believe his luck in being this close to her again. So engrossed in the simple pleasure, he barely noticed when they reached the last shelves of books.

‘Sir.’ She whispered. ‘Whatever do you mean?’


‘I believed you wanted, with that letter, to cease all contact with me.’ She raised a hand as he shook his head vehemently. ‘I was very ashamed of the accusations I made on that afternoon-’

‘Please, do not trouble yourself with those words anymore.’


‘Would you call me by my first name and, in return, allow me the pleasure to use ‘Lizzy’?’

She blushed.

‘It was a big surprise to again meet you by coincidence as last Easter, it brought me great joy.’ In a rampant of emotion, he caught her small hand to place a chaste kiss. Her response was a tremble and a soft sigh when his face, ducked to reach her dainty fingers, was close to feel the air leave her lips. Unable to refrain himself, Darcy leaned in and touched his mouth to hers ever so softly.

A simple touch delicate as a butterfly wing’s flap.

She didn’t pull away, so he touched again, this time with a little more pressure and his arms wrapped her in a hug to bring her closer. Her hands on his chest kept space between them, her face turned upwards offered her lips, eyes closed in abandon, heart beating wildly made her breathing show him she felt as he did.

The third time, she did pull back.


‘I’m sorry, Lizzy.’ He breathed, eyes on her. ‘No, I’m completely unrepentant for I wanted to do that for a longtime.’

She remembered the offer of marriage and what the kiss could mean. ‘Were we seen?’ She whispered taking a step behind still in his arms. ‘Do you think, sir?’

‘No sir when we’re alone, please.’ He asked allowing her to gain space but keeping contact by holding her hands in his. ‘And no, we have privacy.’

She blushed even more. Compromised by a man she refused before she knew how honorable he was... ‘If someone sees me now, anyone will know what we did.’

He smiled. ‘What was that?’



‘I didn’t grant you permission!’

‘Will you, please?’

He asked in such a charming manner she had to nod. ‘Yes.’ And twisted her lips to a side. ‘Fitzwilliam.’ She raised her eyes and saw his smile. ‘We just-’ Lizzy lowered her voice even more. ‘Shared a kiss!’ She hissed.

‘No sin in that.’

‘Yes, it is a sin!’ She blinked desperately. ‘Oh, my! You are a rogue after all!’ She tried to take her hands off his, but he held firmly laughing. ‘My aunt said so.’

‘I am not!’

‘We should not have engaged in the act!’

‘I hoped we would.’ He ducked his face to whisper. ‘And hope we will repeat when spending the week at the Abbey.’

So offended and surprised, she did take her hand away and walked in fast little strides close to her friends again.


Two days later, in the carriage on the road to Northanger Abbey, Charlotte talked animatedly while Lizzy stared out her window. It hadn’t been easy, but in the end, after much maneuvering and a little help from a gloomy weather, Lizzy had managed to avoid riding alone with Darcy in what would be a romantic trip through the country.

His phaeton was gorgeous; she had seen him pass by her window the day before and couldn’t help but appreciate his figure. Her aunt had also commented on how handsome and rich he was, unfortunately had decided to write to her mother telling the news of his presence and Lizzy’s good fortune of making acquaintance with the also rich Tilneys what conspired to render her spirits rather poor for the much waited trip to Northanger.

Eleanor and Charlotte planned what they’d do once at the place, ride and visit the orchards, read and roast snacks, Lizzy only thought about the bookstore kiss.

Darcy chatted when he was directly asked something, but other than that, he brooded trying to discreetly keep Lizzy in his peripheral vision. She was out of spirits, that was not how he planned to spend the week with her. At least he had her in his coach – not alone – but in his coach nonetheless.

At the first stop to change horses, although he was the first to climb down, he lingered behind to be the one to help Lizzy off the coach. The touch of their hands, as usual, was like fire to gun powder. 

‘Miss Lizzy.’ He smiled when she looked directly at him, she had to.

‘Mr. Darcy.’ She answered curtly.

‘Why are you so quiet?’ He whispered hoping they wouldn’t be overheard by their travelling partners. ‘Does not your disposition agree with the road?’



‘You act like a true rogue! My aunt is right!’

Darcy pressed a smile. ‘You do not believe that, madam.’

‘You and her friend’s son, Mr. Thorpe. You are the same, even drive fast phaetons, I saw it!’

‘I admit I met the man, yes, but I am true friends with Tilney; that’s why I accepted his invitation. And of course, you’d be there.’

‘Don’t underestimate my intelligence, Mr. Darcy, please.’

‘We’re alone.’

‘We are not!’

‘Our friends are a bit far.’ He tilted his head motioning the others walking several steps ahead of them. ‘Lizzy.’

‘Very well, Fitzwilliam.’ She nodded, he did too. ‘You, Fitzwilliam, purposefully ignore the fact that you compromised me.’

He was dumbfounded. ‘I most certainly did not!’

‘And what was the bookstore kiss?’

‘An intimate moment, I agree.’

‘Very intimate! Too intimate even!’

‘Agreed, but not enough to compromise you, Lizzy. We were not seen and you keep your virtue intact.’

A strange kind of disappointment flashed through her, she wanted a fight. ‘But-’

He read her signal right, but misinterpreted the motivation. ‘Would you rather I had compromised you?’ As soon as he said those words, he knew by the look in her eyes that he had made a mistake.

But her friends called her before he could say more.

For the next part of the journey, she either angrily stared out of her window or pretended to sleep while the others chatted and Darcy brooded even more.

They didn’t cross eyes even once.

At the second stop, he already had his mood ruined enough when his coachman called him to discuss a damaged wheel that would delay their departure a few moments. 

He let the ladies know, Tilney decided to help the coachman and Darcy stayed behind to arrange costs with the inn keeper. As he left the saloon to return to the coach in hopes of hurrying the work and once at Northanger his luck might change, he felt a small hand on his arm.

Darcy turned immediately.



‘What you asked me before.’ She said softly, he frowned. ‘I don’t want to be ruined, by you or by any other man.’

‘Allow me to apologize for my harsh words, I didn’t mean what I implied. It doesn’t have to be this way, Lizzy.’ 

‘No, it doesn’t. We are about to start a weeklong stay in a distant estate. Why would we spend it fighting?’

He smiled, he had too. She was too perfect, all loveliness in a single woman of fine lively eyes in front of him. ‘I apologize for miscomprehending you.’

‘You’re not repenting.’ She accused.

‘Of our kiss? Absolutely not. In fact, as I said, I wish we could-’


‘There’s been so much hope filling me since the bookstore...’


‘That your feelings may have changed since Easter.’

She blushed and looked away. One moment before she was ready to fight, now... ‘They have changed.’ Lizzy returned her eyes to him.

Darcy raised his brows. ‘For the best?’

She nodded, cheeks flushed to strawberry red. ‘Completely different.’ She whispered hearing her friends coming closer. 

everything but the house
Although they waited still a quarter hour, only when he handed her in with a splitting smile he felt something pressed in his palm. ‘It doesn’t have to be like that.’ She whispered. 

Inside the cabin, as the coach started rocking, he used his top hat as disguise to inspect the gift: a small golden knot pin. Darcy raised his eyes to her and noticed it must have been holding the scarf over her shoulders. 

They exchanged promising looks over the book she pretended to read with Charlotte.