& Moira Bianchi: novembro 2014

sexta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2014

Forever young Jane Austen

Happy Thanksgiving to the ones who understand celebrate the holiday.
Happy shopping to the ones who enjoy Black Friday.

Here in Brasil, until last year, Black Friday meant half of the double price, this year, it seems prices are dropping. Sadly I have been grieving the double suicide of my Sony Ereader and my Mp3 player a month after I returned form my Florida vacations. It's so so sad... So today I bought a Kindle reader... Yay!

Anyway, I wanted to babble about something that has been nagging me for a while. I've talked about my new book that is finally coming to an end (first draft is two chapters away to wrap) and it's another 'inspired on' story, Like Friendh, it's not a retelling as 45, it's a love story, a what if for modern Darcy and Lizzy. while writing it, I keep thinking a bit guilty for taking advantage of Austen although I know the value of fanfiction to oxigenate and keep alive a masterpiece.

And it's not only me or my Janeite friends... there are cell phone covers, action figures, dummies, apparel, tv shows, movies... 
Are we all guilty of vampirism?

Let's not speak only of fanfiction and/or adaptation (synonyms really), but new publishings of her works with modern covers... I have a few here and several of my friends collect different prints of the same novels. Flavorwire has a funny fanfiction scenes of the characters commenting on some. It's funny. 

My favorite is this one (I am a fanfic junkie afterall):

"Pride and Prejudice, Middleton Classics, 2009 (p. 132)
This is a small-press, ebook-only edition of Pride and Prejudice, and while the Thomas Gainsborough paintings make a pretty cover, they were painted some 30 years before the publication of Austen’s novel; besides, I find Mr. Darcy’s floating head to be a trifle… disconcerting.

“Miss Bennet, I have never been so bewitched by any woman as I am by you.”
“Really, Mr. Darcy, if you will persist in letting your disembodied head float around one, I wish you would choose another woman to follow. I dare say Miss Bingley would be pleased to oblige you.”
“I said I was bewitched.”
“That is hardly an excuse. Look at your expression. You are mooning over me like an adolescent.”
“I do not moon, madam.”
“And yet there is your head floating in the sky like the moon itself. It is most disconcerting.”
“And this is all the reply which I am to have the honor of expecting?”
“I am going inside now. Pray do not peek in my bedroom window like you did last night. It is a most ungentlemanly thing to do.” "

Also a post about ridiculous books taking advantage inspired by the novels. Fun as well.

So, to stop my nonsense here, I conclude that Jane is ours and we'd better keep her alive amongst us.
Am I right?

terça-feira, 25 de novembro de 2014

O Diário secreto de Lizzie Bennet


De novo falando da web serie, este deve ser o quinto ou sexto postTenho até uma lista dos episódios que o Mr D aparece...

Eu sei, me repito demais.

Mas o Secret Diaries é muito fofo e foi muito bem conduzido. E agora vai sair em Português!


Olha, mais que tudo, fico muito feliz porque essa pode ser o início da formação de mercado para fanfics. Quando me perguntam por que escrevo em Inglês, sempre respondo a mesma coisa: quem é que vai querer pagar para ler fanfic O&P aqui? O lucro é irrisório, vale mais pelo afago na alma (de saber que alguém quis ler o que vc escreve), o meu lance não é esse. 

Por aqui, tem muita gente que torce o nariz para fanfic... Que pena.

Estou muito feliz com Lizzie Bennet e Darcy em Português! 

Venham meus queridos: 
mi casa, su casa!

sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2014

Jane Austen's house on Street View

today Facebook showed me an interesting post about famous British wirters' homes on Street view. How exciting!

If one is planning a trip abroad, this could make a nice list.

SHORT LIST had all the work, I just marvelled with a glimpse from dear Agatha Christie's home. Also Hardy, Joyce, Tolkien, Fleming and Melville. Interesting, huh?

Of course, darling Austen in Chawton. It's a museum with tons of cool stuff, everybody knows that. 

How Lizzy-ish!!!

If you click on the link and stop right in front of the house, you can notice on the right side gate an indication of the 'Jane Austen walk': "A 4.5-mile circular walk in the heart of Jane Austen country.Start at Jane Austen's House in Chawton and follow in her footsteps across fields and through the village of Farringdon. Jane was inspired by this beautiful countryside to write and revise all her novels."

How Lizzy-ish!!! 
Visit the oficial site, pack your snickers and peticoats (to properly get them six-inches-filth in mud!!) and book a flight! 

Let's walk!

See ya!

quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2014

Not exactly Pride and Prejudice

I was having lunch on my own and decide to find some P&P company on youtube. Who else can make me improve my lunch experience than Mr. D. himself, right?

So I found this 'PRIDE AND PREJUDICE KOREAN DRAMA' and I thought: "Great, a Korean fanfic. Yummy!"

Well, not exactly. It's more like Law and Order than Austen's P&P, but it is catching.

The Lizzy - Yeol-Moo - is fast-tongued and cute but the Darcy... Not sure if it's Dong-Chi or Soo... Mmmm... At firts I thought Dong-Chi was Wickhamish but then, not sure anymore. Soo is quiet and obviously taken with Yeol-Moo. 

You know what? Not sure it has anything to do with Austen but I'm gonna watch the other episodes.

This review pretty much sums it up: "It's pretty cute - it's always easy to watch two characters slowly care about each other again - but wholly unesceptional." (read the whole review here)

That pretty much sums up my next book as well... Mmmm... unexceptional. Can I live with this? 

Korean actors are awfully cute.

See ya!