& Moira Bianchi: 9 ways to live Pride and Prejudiciously - chapter 6

sexta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2018

9 ways to live Pride and Prejudiciously - chapter 6

Hello, hello.

February is here and with it, Valentines and Carnival here in Rio. It's a very fertile time for flirting and loving and dating... Ah, I smell great times ahead!

Maybe because I'm so happy with my 1st book's 2nd edition: Friendship of a Special Kind is about to be released again in a revised and extended version. Still thinking if one of these new scenes should come here to the blog... maybe.

Anyway, in Belladama tea world, Bertha is calling attention everywhere. I mean it!

Let´s get to it in a short but very meaningful chapter.

Nine ways to live Pride and Prejudiciously
WIP, modern (mostly), adult (you know me...), fun, fluff, heart healing stuff.
read chapter 5 PART II

Heaven can't wait


A thin voice drifted towards her like sea breeze in the summer.


Her mind was so immersed in peaceful slumber; it was difficult to concentrate.

‘Carlota!’ A grumble and the voice got a little louder. ‘Tarnation! Answer me, girl!’

Lottie’s conscience was still engulfed in her after lunch nap, but somehow she heard her late grandmother perfectly. ‘Grandmamma!’

‘Carlota, what have you done, child?’


‘Yeens don’t fool me, say it.’

‘Oh, gradmamma! It’s so good to be close again… How are you doing? How can you reach me when I didn’t have the tea?’

‘Carlota, that purdy girl has horse sense. Why did you choose her to give the tea?’


‘Oh, yes.’ The old woman’s voice chuckled and coughed. ‘She’s fixin’ her way with our stuff.’

‘Damn… I thought Bertha could mess it all up, but she was kinda weird. Lost in life, you know? Seemed to be banging around like a ball in a pinball machine.’

‘Don’t get me bowed up, Carlota. You talk to her.

‘She won't answer my calls, gradmamma!... I try to phone her all the time and-’

‘Carlota!’ The old witch bristled. ‘This is out of kilter! Solve this!’


next chapter will be a travel back in time,
prepare your cuppa!

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